The current battle situation is being broadcast live, and the people watching the live broadcast include Sakura, Artoria, Ilya and others.

And only she knows about this, but Emiya Shiro doesn't.

As long as she launches a fierce offensive here, Emiya Shirou has to admit something here, then after returning, she will be able to take the initiative!

If so-

Do you think Emiya Shiro will be yours?It's me, Jill!

"At that time, you also made an oath of eternal love, saying that you would protect me!"

"What?" Shirou's eyes widened, "Is there?"

For a moment, he felt creepy, as if he was being watched by someone.

"Of course, of course there was. That was in Uruk."

Shirou blocked Gilgamesh's other axe, and quickly asked, "Does Enkidu also support it?"

"Of course it belongs to Zici!" Gilgamesh said with a smile, "Not only Zici, but also wants to see us get married soon, and also wants to see us have children."

"You see that she doesn't object anymore, so you should keep your promise, right?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shirou's brain started to run wildly, and the other party actually used the chat flow he was most familiar with. It was incredible. He had to come up with other words to change the rhythm.

The so-called chat flow is an exquisite genre that uses words as weapons to attack the enemy's psychological vitals when the situation is evenly matched, so as to find the flaws in the other party's reality.In this kind of battle, the physical confrontation is no longer important, what is important is the victory in the language battlefield.

"I don't remember it happening. And I didn't make any promises, did I? I don't like that kind of stuff."

"You, do you want to be a scumbag? At that time, in Uruk, you said it yourself!" Gilgamesh's watery eyes were about to shed tears.

"Hmph, according to the information I know, if I was really summoned to Uruk, then it would be time for a major crisis in Uruk, right? If it were me, I would definitely promise that I would To protect the safety of Uruk, your words may be partly correct, but you should add 'we' after the words to protect you?!"

Gilgamesh couldn't help taking a few steps back, and the power of the giant ax dropped a lot.

When she was exposed by Shirou, she didn't have the heart to continue manipulating the spellbook-enhanced giant axe.

Shirou pointed his sword at Gilgamesh.

It's time for a reversal!

"So at that time, it was still a question of whether Enkidu was still there - it should be that you who have passed the peak of your body, that is, you as a caster, used a kind of magic weapon similar to the Holy Grail in your king's treasury. Something summoned some servants, right? At that time, you had already been to the underworld, looking for the elixir of life, which was the medicine you were looking for to revive Enkidu, but it was stolen by the snake, isn't it good!"

Taking out a pair of black-rimmed glasses and putting them on, Shirou smiled and said, "There is only one truth, and that is, what you are weaving is a lie. Hey—but speaking of it, you don't have to be so persistent with me. What you summoned is this spirit foundation, not me."

"That's not right."

Gilgamesh lowered his head, gripped the giant ax and the spell book, and refuted Shirou's heart-stinging words.

Amakusa and Berserker, who got in the way, had already run a long way, and it was finally time for her to confess something.

"Xiao En did leave at that time, but she always wanted me to find someone I like to be with, this is absolute." Gilgamesh raised his head, his gaze was very firm, "And the one I summoned was you. "

"Are you joking, that's not me, maybe it's me, maybe it's me in the parallel world? Maybe it's someone else who uses this spirit foundation."

"It's you! In the parallel world, there are so many Emiya Shirou, I didn't even look for them, because none of them are you."

Shirou didn't expect Gilgamesh to defeat Shirou's army at this time.

It's really terrifying, is it worthy of being the King of Heroes?

Shirou decided to change the subject, he really didn't know about it, and besides, in a sense, he wasn't Emiya Shirou either.

"Well, the weather is fine today. What did you just say?"

"It's useless to pretend to be stupid." Gilgamesh is like an old general, confidently launching her own offensive. She knows that she has actually seized a lot of initiative by taking advantage of the poor information, "You Have you ever felt that someone is watching you recently?"

Chapter 44 Cat and mouse game

Do you feel like someone is watching you?

"No, go away!"

Shirou decides to play dumb.

Just kidding—wouldn't you be leading Gilgamesh to lead you away if you admit it at this time?

"Pretend to be so similar." Gilgamesh sneered, "Speaking of which, are you really not interested in your past? It seems that you have lost your memory of the past, and you have forgotten a lot."

Gilgamesh's voice lowered.

Shirou opened his mouth, but said nothing.

If you really want to say, shouldn't he be a person who occupies the magpie's nest?To some extent, he may be Shirou Emiya, but he is not Shirou Emiya, right?

"You even doubt your identity, now, don't you?"

Shirou was horrified and found himself completely seen through.

Can't ask what you know.

If Shirou asks this kind of question, there is no way to get out of the quagmire set by Gilgamesh!

"You don't want to disturb me with this kind of words." Shirou's scalp was a little numb, and he slashed at Gilgamesh with the knife.

But Shirou's movements obviously began to deform, and Gilgamesh could even gain the upper hand with her simple and rude, even chaotic attacks.

"Look at your movements, it's all messed up. A heart like still water is the general standard of a swordsman, right? You are also familiar with the chat flow, right? Because that's what you do when you interfere with others. Know the other party's psychological weaknesses, use Words slowly magnify the loopholes in the mind, so as to find the decisive blow. Hmph, I understand it very well."

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