Shirou calmed down and blocked Gilgamesh's axe.

"What about this?"

"Your heart is disturbed, which means that what I said is on point. Because I know your past, and you only know bits and pieces, so when I say something, you can't calm down at all, right? Shirou? "

Gilgamesh put the accent on 'Shirou', which made Shirou feel harsh.

With a fierce kick, Shirou was kicked flying about ten meters away, which was enough distance for Gilgamesh to use the king's treasure house to launch a fatal attack on Shirou.

And she did, opening hundreds of doors to Shirou.

"Hey, hey, the one in front of you is a chicken, don't you need to be like this?" Shirou laughed at himself, looking at the golden ripples with some despair.

"Yes, this is what we need to deal with you. Although you are not as strong as me and Xiao En, but if you really want to fight, your means of use will definitely not be weaker than mine." Gilgamesh pulled out a magic sword.

Shirou clearly analyzed that the magic sword is the famous Gram.

Get ready to escape and contact your master.

If there is a Command Seal, you can still live for a while, right?

"Are you already preparing to escape? Use the command spell."

Shirou nodded calmly, "Well, yes, isn't that what Command Seals are for?"

"Don't worry, I won't shoot all the weapons here at you in an instant, otherwise you will run away. I will play with you slowly."

"It's really slow. Are you afraid that this cat-and-mouse game will end up with your cat being scratched by the mouse?" Shirou rubbed his lower abdomen.

That kick really hurts—after the increase in that spell book, does the muscle strength at least have an A?

"How can you be king if you are not arrogant? And I am not arrogant now, because you are willing to continue this game only if you play with you in this way. This is also one of the few opportunities for you to kill me. You will take this risk, right? ?”

Shirou gritted his teeth.

This is really an irresistible temptation, but——

Shirou smiled.

Gilgamesh, you still underestimate people!


"Master, master, can you hear me?"

The android girl was walking while leaning on the wall, when she suddenly heard Shirou's call.

"Assassin, I can hear you, are you going to rescue Berserker?"

"Yes, and, listen to me, there is a map I drew in the drawer of the room. You open it, and there are the locations of the Berserker and the Great Holy Grail. If it is urgent, you can take the Berserker and destroy it for me."

The android girl walked to the table and squatted down gently, but after a while, her brain became a little dizzy.

There are three drawers, and there are no locks from top to bottom.

In the first drawer, no.

In the second drawer, neither.

In the third drawer...not either?

"Are you looking for this?" Jeanne raised the map in her hand.

"Well, ruler, please give it to me." The android girl went to pick it up, but Joan took back the map.

"No way. The position marked on it is not only the Berserker, but also the Great Holy Grail, right? The assassin who marked this position must have something special for you, right? For example, a contract with the Berserker?" Joan scrolled through the map, examining the man-made girl.

The girl nodded.

"Besides, I also object to your going to save Berserker. You should have had no reason to engage in this Holy Grail War. The contract with Assassin is considered as Assassin's need for your magic power, and it is considered as Assassin's business. But if you save Berserker, take the initiative If you make a contract with him, then you will truly participate in this Holy Grail War." Joan of Arc grabbed the young and thin shoulders of the artificial girl.

The android girl looked at Joan firmly, and when she found that Joan was unmoved, her eyes pleaded.

"You can save Berserker, but don't make a contract with him?"

The android girl was silent and shook her head.

She looked at Joan firmly again, and Joan shook her head stubbornly: "Be obedient, Assassin and I agreed at the beginning to only rescue Berserker. If he violates the agreement, then I have no choice but to choose not to give you the map gone."

The android girl suddenly knelt down.

"Give me the map."

Feeling that her voice might be too low for the other party not to hear, the artificial girl repeated: "Give me the map."

"please give me……"

Joan reluctantly let go of her hand.

The map landed obliquely at her feet.

Seeing the map fall, the android girl picked it up, still kneeling, and solemnly said, "Thank you."

"You are really, more stubborn than me. Assassin and Assassin are clearly carved out of the same mold, the good ones don't teach the bad ones." Jeanne clenched her fists, and then pulled the artificial man up.

The man-made man looked at Jeanne suspiciously.

"You can learn from him too. Can you smile?"

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