Have you given up struggling?

"Assassin...I won't let go."

Siegfried couldn't help being stunned. Even now, when his body is about to dry up, is he still struggling in his dream?

"I'm sorry, Saber. Uncle Gold was taking care of Assassin's master just now—her heart and lung function is too weak, her heartbeat is too fast, and she was a little nervous, so she forgot to wring out her handkerchief." Fiore said apologetically.

"How long has she been lying here? Has it always been like this?" Siegfried couldn't help asking.

"Well, yes. It has been almost two hours since Assassin brought her back." Fiore replied after counting the time.

Siegfried couldn't help laughing at himself.

"It's amazing."

Gold came running from not far away, took a handkerchief, and wiped Siegfried's sweat.

"Saber, take a break. I'll see if I can ask someone to get the Hydra venom serum, maybe there is still a chance..." Seeing that Siegfried didn't respond, Gold began to talk , for fear that he would give up hope.

But Siegfried's next sentence made Gold stop talking.

"Master, I'm sorry, I can't hold it anymore, it's hard for me to make it through tomorrow."

Gold's mouth moved, but he didn't speak for a long time.

After holding back for a long time, he said unwillingly: "I heard that the master Shi Jiejieli of the red party has serum, and I will definitely get it for you, Saber, just hang on for a while!"

Siegfried shook his head: "Sorry master, I'm really sorry. In fact, my situation is worse than what was reported. I was shot in the back by the red rider's gun. I can withstand the Hydra venom and The back injury is now my limit."

Gold slumped on the stool again, holding his head in pain at his own incompetence.

"However, my death has to be meaningful."

Siegfried's hand sank into his body.

He clenched his teeth, and a beating heart appeared in his hands.

"This is—" Gold's eyes widened.

"That's right, my heart. Since Assassin's master is about to die because of her heart, my heart must be able to give her a new life."

Gold's nose suddenly turned sore: "Saber, you—"

"Master, I hope you can understand me."

"Is this your wish?"

Silent but firm eyes told Gold the answer.

"I understand."

Gold nodded solemnly, "I respect your wishes."

Siegfried's almost expressionless face finally showed a gentle smile.

"Thank you, master."

"Then, let me do the surgery now." Gold stood up, as if he had exhausted all his strength.


"Even if you give the heart to my master, it won't help, Saber. Is that heart also polluted by Hydra's venom?"

Shirou's voice came suddenly.

Gold's pupils shrank.

Doesn't this mean that Saber's last dedication was useless?

"What do you mean? Assassin?"

"Literally, in this case, she will also be poisoned, right? Hydra poison."

Siegfried smiled.

"But, will you help her? With this heart, at least assassin, your master can live for a while. But if you don't use it, you will die."

Shirou looked at Siegfried carefully.

His eyes are very firm.

"You really believe in my master, you actually believe that she can survive the venom of the hydra. Even if there is not much snake venom left in your heart, the poison is very poisonous."

"I trust her."

Author's message:

How many have you brushed?

Chapter 65 Don't I Know Your Virtue?

Tulipas, in a restaurant.

The huge piece of meat was brought by the waiter, and the price was not too expensive, but for the cash-strapped Joan of Arc, it was already a sky-high price.

"Assassin, do you invite me?"

Ruler couldn't help but wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

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