The roasted piece of meat, under the sunlight, was full of golden and full luster.

The fat melted on the meat and penetrated into it, exuding a strong fragrance.

"It looks delicious." Ruler's eyes were completely glued to the meat.

She couldn't look away at all.

why?Why is it like this?Why is Assassin so proficient in treating himself to delicious food, and can accurately find his favorite food!

"Don't worry, treat it like I'm treating you to dinner." Shirou said indifferently.

It's not that the Thousand Boundary Tree cannot be reimbursed for this small amount of money.

If you really can't forget to bring money, projection can also solve the problem.

Although it is very unkind for him to do this for this simple town, but Shirou now considers himself a villain, and he will eat a king's meal.

Ever since he saw Siegfried dig out the heart with his own hands yesterday and gave him the master, he understood that the responsibility on him was a bit terrifying.

But Shirou agreed.

He also believed that the girl who could walk several kilometers even though the road was almost unstable, would be able to survive.

Joan held the knife and fork.

In the past two days, she has learned how to use these tableware.

When she was marching back then, she always ate big mouthfuls, just gnawed on the bread.

There is no image at all, but now that she has the conditions, she also takes a bath and eats with a knife and fork.

The fork pierced the meat, and the tip overflowed with a fragrant smell.

The knife was on the meat, and Joan was about to strike.

But she stopped again and looked at Shirou who was thinking.

"Speaking of which, Assassin, are you planning something again?"

Shirou came back to his senses and blinked: "Huh?"

"Assassin, I always feel that you are always preoccupied. Although you always have a lot of smiles on your face, there are more calculations in your heart than smiles. You can deceive people in just two strokes. Sometimes I think you are quite scary , Did you count me in?" Joan of Arc opened her mouth and started eating meat.

Meat was also a luxury item back then.

She was able to eat some when she won battles in the army, but there were too many wounded, so Joan tried to give them as much as possible.

So even though she is the commander and always gets some meat, very little gets to her mouth in the end.

It is also a very happy thing to be able to eat meat now.

"You just found out." Shirou glanced at her.

"I found out earlier, but I feel that although you plot against me, you should be a good person, and the plot will not harm anyone, so I let it go." After finishing speaking, Jeanne ate another piece of meat.

The pieces of meat suddenly lost nearly one-third.

Shirou widened his eyes.

Does having the same face as Artoria mean that she eats exactly the same?

It's amazing.

"I always feel that you are secretly saying something bad about me."

Joan couldn't help muttering.

Shirou was stunned: "Is this a revelation from your master?"

"No, it's my intuition." Joan inserted another piece of meat into her mouth without hesitation.

Now there is only one-third of the meat left.

After Mizhi was quiet, Shirou decisively changed the topic.

"I don't have any plans. I just want to relax first. By the way, I will treat you to a meal. You have taken care of my master for so long. It should be done."

"Really?" Joan looked at Shirou suspiciously.

She felt that Shirou must have hidden something that he didn't reveal.

But it won't be a bad thing anyway.

"Your master, you are really stubborn." Joan propped her bulging cheeks and looked into the distance, "When I saw her, I remembered that I set off from home back then, until I participated in the war, until I was captured, Until I was burned to death. My parents opposed me, but I went forward stubbornly. My heart kept calling me, I must go. So I went.”

"I went there for several years, but in the end I never went back."

Thoughts drifted back to the past.

She couldn't even imagine what her parents looked like when they heard the news of her death.

"So when you are taking care of her, you feel like you are looking at your past self? Don't you want her to become the second you?" Shirou asked curiously.

"You can say that, and you shouldn't say that." Joan shook her head with a wry smile, "I—maybe what you said is right. I don't want to see her regret her experience in the future, but I also think that she doesn't Will witness her compatriots do nothing after being treated as a battery. At this time, I hope she can stand up and help them."

"It's just that I didn't expect that she would be dying after only a few days. If it wasn't for Saber, she would have died in the early morning, right?"

Shirou also inserted a piece of meat and chewed.

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