If you don't eat, there will be nothing left.

"Do you hate me?"

"I don't know. Maybe I should thank you? Thank you for not being indifferent when those artificial humans were treated like this. I even watched you step by step to cultivate her into your appearance." Jeanne sighed, "My mood probably That's it."

"Your heart is really conflicted." Shirou teased, "On the one hand, you want it, but on the other hand, you don't want it. Maybe this is the nature of women?"

Joan blushed when she heard this: "What kind of woman's sexuality!? Don't talk about it. Now, assassin, how do you get the serum?"

"Whoever has it, I can find someone." Shirou said quite logically.

But this answer made Joan very dissatisfied.

"Assassin, isn't your statement too general? There are so many people here, how do you know where the red saber and her master are!"

"—Boss, as usual, give me two servings of meat!"

The face was almost exactly the same as Joan's, but the girl in the red jacket walked in with a very different temperament.

If it is a man, it will probably be regarded as a gangster and kept at a respectful distance.

But she was extremely generous.

"Look, isn't it here?"

Shirou inserted another piece of meat and threw it into his mouth.

Joan of Arc felt like a mental retardation.

Does this work?

"Assassin? Why are you here?" After Mordred swaggered and shook his head with a wry smile, Shiro Jieli sat down, and suddenly saw Shirou in amazement, and was shocked.

"Probably, this is fate." Shirou said meaningfully.

"speak English."

"I'm coming to find you."

"How did you find out?"

"—You like to eat as much as your father, you guys are virtuous, don't I know?"

Chapter 66 An Undeniable Price

Hearing that Shirou even said about her father, Mordred calmly analyzed it.

"How did you know my father?"

"Is this..." Shirou was surprised to find that Mordred didn't lose his temper, but this brat held back?

"That's a long way—eh, eh? What are you doing?"

Before Shirou finished speaking, Mordred took out a big sword in front of everyone, and then slashed at Shirou.

"Speak up if you have something to say." Shirou projected a sword, blocking Mordred's attack.

"Facing you scum, I should kill you now." Mordred said angrily.

Shirou gave Jeanne a look, signaling her to go and catch Mordred's Master.

But Joan is faster than Shirou's eyes.

She's got it.

"Jeanne, I can't see it, you can do this too." Shirou teased.

"Damn it, ruler, you're whistling!"

Seeing this, Mordred got angry and wanted to rescue him, but Shirou found a loophole instead.

In an instant, she was knocked into the air.

After using a few dispel magics to make everyone around here leave, Shirou felt that he could finally talk properly now.

"Assassin—let go of my master!"

Mordred was furious, his armor covered his body, and thunder burst out.

"Then you should speak well." Shirou took a small knife, put his fingertips against the back of the knife, played with it, and squatted beside Shishi Jieli, "Hey, Master of Saber, you are called Shishi Jieli, right? ? It sounds like the name is from the Far East. Speaking of which, I’m here too.”

Lion Jie Jieli looked at Shirou.

It was indeed an oriental face, but didn't the assassin say it was Hassan?

But under the threat of his life, he still nodded in submission:

"Yeah, are you from Japan too?"

"Yeah, me too." Shirou held Shishi Jieli's hand, looking like a fellow countryman seeing a fellow countryman, and then turned to look at the bewildered Mordred, "Look, your master Shake my hand, now we can sit down and talk, right?"

"Hafnium?" Mordred felt that his brain was powerless to analyze, so he had no choice but to nod.


Not long after, as the suggestion magic was lifted, the population gradually increased.

"This customer, the meat you ordered." The waiter came over with two large plates, his hands still trembling.

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