The amount of meat is too much, it is difficult to hold it with one hand.

"Thank you." Shirou took the plate, and Mordred stared at Shirou.

This is even worse than Arturia!

Nothing is better than elegance because of elegance, this is only true for the stomach!

"Your." Shirou glared at her, and ordered another plate of meat himself.

Mordred smiled smugly, and gnawed at the piece of meat.

"So, Assassin, you are actually here to negotiate with us?" Shishi Jieli looked at Shirou suspiciously, his eyes under the sunglasses clearly showed disbelief.

"Yes." Shirou nodded.

"Master, don't let him deceive you. He must be planning to murder us." Mordred said vigilantly.

Joan of Arc looked at Shirou, the smile didn't appear on her face, it was all squeezed in her eyes, she just wanted to smile but couldn't.

Shirou curled his lips, laughing as much as you want, and no one is stopping you.

"Please believe me, I am very sincere. Otherwise, I would not have released your master." Shirou said sincerely.

When Lion Jie Li was about to nod his head, Mordred yelled again:

"Master, this guy must have bigger plans, probably not just to kill us."

The cup Shirou was holding had a few cracks under the sudden increase in force.

"Can we have a good talk?"


It seems that he can only speak with his fists.

Shirou geared up, ready to teach Mordred the dignity of being a parent.

The bear boy is so disobedient, he still needs to be beaten.

"Ahem, Saber, at least listen to Assassin's thoughts. After all, if we negotiate, he must have something that tempts us, so he will come?"

"That's natural. I have a chip in my hand that none of you can refuse."

Shirou showed a mysterious smile, very confident.This smile instantly became terrifying in Mordred's eyes.

She quietly approached her master.

"Hey, master, do you still remember, for what purpose did your ancestors trade with the devil? Then, there will be no children in your generation."

"Well, I remember. But anyway, I don't think assassins have the slightest resemblance to demons."

"—Of course it's not similar, because it's a demon."

Joan of Arc couldn't help raising her voice when she heard Mordred's last words, and laughed out loud.

Shirou's face darkened and he didn't want to speak.

Didn't he just beat up the brat at that time?Is the psychological shadow so serious?How big is the psychological shadow area?

"Ahem, so, Mr. Assassin, what price do you have?" Shishi Jieli looked at Shirou and the two in embarrassment, and asked, "Our desire is very big, your price is not enough, we even Not on the neutral side, but on the red side."

However, the credibility of this sentence is extremely low.

Ever since the news that the magicians on the red side were almost wiped out came out, Shirou really couldn't believe that they would dare to return to the red side's camp.

But Shirou didn't say anything, but slowly began to analyze the situation of Saber and her Master.

"Lion Jiejie Lisang, if I remember well, you should be regarded as a magician, not a magician. I am more at ease about this. You basically have no pursuit of the root, and you can even say that you don't want to take the responsibility of being a magician. .Otherwise you wouldn't be a bounty hunter."

"Huh?" Shishi Jieli frowned, feeling as if he couldn't catch Shirou, and even felt that he was caught, "So?"

"You once got married and gave birth to a child, but you died not long ago. Later, you adopted a child, but you passed away soon. The reason why you came to seek the Holy Grail is obvious, right? That is——"

Lion Jie Jieli nodded, but for some reason, he was relieved to hear the analysis here.

"You want a child who can be by your side."

Lion Jie was stunned for a moment, his sunglasses slipped a little: "This—"

"Hey, assassin, did you make a mistake?" Mordred stood up and questioned Shirou, "Is there something wrong with your words?"

Shirou ignored her, but continued to analyze on his own: "Saber, Mordred, the rebellious Knights of the Round Table, died together with his father Arturia at the end of his life. What do you want, Mo Dred? Did you kill Artoria in anger because you were considered not capable of being a king? Or did you not get love from her at all, so you killed her under Morgan's guidance?"

Chapter 67 The Moment of King Selection

After Shirou finished speaking, Mordred fell silent.

She found that what the other party said seemed to be very correct, and the words of denial could not even come out of her mouth.

I want to deny it, but I can't deny it.

Shirou's words were actually deeper than her understanding of herself.

"How did you know?" Mordred asked with difficulty, and she realized that maybe her master Lion Jie Li had also been caught in the same thing just now.

"Well, just think I have mind reading skills."

Shirou smiled.

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