And the most important reason she hasn't said yet.

"The master is right. Ruler and Saber, those of you who march and fight are not as clear as she is.

After the death of the seventh servant in the Holy Grail War, the third method can be activated, understand?We are running out of time.If you can run away, I can definitely leave too.

——Don’t forget that I’m an assassin, and my best skill is breath concealment. "

Shirou took a step forward.

"Besides—master, let me confirm one thing first."

Chigurh lowered his head and chose to trust Shirou.

Assassin, is the strongest.


"Master, it doesn't matter if you knock down the caster, right?"

Chapter 76 Twinkle, you've learned badly too?

There was not much light in the gloomy passage, and Gold and the others almost relied on magic to strengthen their naked eyes to barely see the scene ahead.

Rescuing the master of the red square does not conflict with the plan to go straight to the yellow dragon. The Great Holy Grail is placed in the inner court at the core, and the master is also placed near the inner court.

But Gold always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

The eager Cowles urged the rider to fly faster.

"Caules-san, I've made the eagle fly very fast." Rider said helplessly.

Junying also let out a mournful cry, it will also be tired.

"And this is the opponent's territory, so it doesn't feel good to be so arrogant?" Rider scratched his cheek.

Gold finally noticed something was wrong.

He finally understood what was wrong.

"No! Stop, stop, rider!"

"Hey, master, what's the matter?" Astolfo could not help but slow down a little.

Gold didn't answer him, but looked around nervously.

This place is obviously Assassin's territory, and this garden fortress is also Assassin's favorite treasure. It is undoubtedly no problem to attack the encroaching enemies.

But why is there no magic that intervenes at all?

"Be careful—we may have been ambushed. If you walk around casually, you may all die here." Gold wiped his sweat, "It doesn't matter if you stop for a while."

"Uh? What do you mean?" Cowles looked at Gold in confusion, "Uncle Gold, are we being ambushed?"

"Or they were induced to come here—I mean it's very possible. Otherwise, I can't think of why the red assassin would let us in like this."

"Think about it, if the assassin randomly releases a few magic spells during our flight, then even a rider with extremely high magical power will be hard to bear? Let alone us. So I have to doubt, We've actually been ambushed."

From the darkness, a figure slowly came.

"Tsk tsk, assassin, your plan has been seen through."

"Cut, it's a pity." Assassin looked at the screen in front of him and shrugged helplessly, "I'll leave it to you, rider."

"Understood." Achilles looked at Gold and the others who came over with some dissatisfaction, "Tch, I thought the black assassin would come here first, but I didn't expect it to be you bastards."

"It seems that the black assassin has given up on infiltrating by himself, and let you infiltrate instead?" Achilles frowned, "Forget it, let's treat you as an appetizer first."

"Wait, rider from the red side!" Coles waved his hand, "Our purpose is to rescue your original master, this is what we agreed with Lancer."

"His agreement has nothing to do with me. The original master will take care of it myself." Achilles sneered, "That guy Lancer is ridiculous enough, why does our original master need you to intervene?"

"Then you mean, don't you plan to let us go?" Cowles said the worst possibility in his mind.


Do Rider and berserker really have a chance of winning against Achilles?

"That's right. Rider, berserker, you can die with your master. There is no way, this is the Holy Grail War."

Berserker gripped the hammer tightly and stood in front of Corles, ready to protect him.


Cowles could hear that she was trying to be strong, just to protect herself.

"You're so loud, rider." Cowles pushed his eyes and calmed down.

It is not a question of whether we can win or not, but that we must win.

"Come on, berserker!"


"Be careful." Lion Jie Jieli patted Shirou on the shoulder, and then left with the rest of the people without looking back.

"The person in the way has finally left." Gilgamesh snapped his fingers, ready to attack.

"Aren't we going to catch up when we meet?" Although Shirou said so, the sword in his hand was still ready.

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