With a sword in hand, don't panic.

Even if Gilgamesh really didn't intend to continue talking about his past, he wouldn't be afraid to fight.


Does the past self really have anything to do with Gilgamesh?

He should be just an ordinary time traveler, he almost forgot about this.

"Reminiscing about the past? How long is it? Didn't we just meet a day ago?" Gilgamesh pretended to be stupid, but still looked at Shirou expectantly.

When Shirou was summoned at that time, it was purely with the mentality of summoning a swordsmith who could forge weapons.Shirou was still a Guardian back then.

It's just that the contract signed by the guardian was suspected of fraud, and it was too late for him to regret it.

Seeing that Shirou was not going to say more, Gilgamesh began to wonder if Shirou was cheating on himself again.

"Sure enough, I still don't remember anything..." Gilgamesh shook his head, "Then let's enjoy the battle between the two of us."

"Do you enjoy fighting?" Shirou twitched his lips.

Are you happy to have a fight?

"Speaking of which, I haven't fought against you who have basically recovered your strength. Although you are not in the strongest state now, I am only in the world as a caster, so it is not bad."

"Come on, my friend, let's have an upright... well, let's fight with all our strength!"

"Even if you say that, I still don't feel that I am the one who saved Uruk as you said." Shirou shifted his eyes to other places with some guilt, "I almost saved nothing, except my Sister, I didn't even notice the strange behavior of my junior who has been taking care of me."

"Idiot! But you must have saved her, right? This king used his own death to let you discover this, didn't he?" Gilgamesh's face darkened slightly.

"It turns out that you left inexplicably to let me discover Sakura's abnormality?" Shirou looked at Gilgamesh in surprise.

"That's right." Gilgamesh sighed, "Sure enough, you have completely forgotten about it, even your own wishes."

"But it doesn't matter, I remember."

Is it really okay to insist that you are really not someone she knows like this?

Shirou shook his head with a wry smile.

"I owe you this favor, but I still have to beat you, or the world will be destroyed. I can't accept it. And—eh? What is this? This—"

Shirou looks at the Holy Grail that Gilgamesh throws at him.

Although there is no magic power, as long as Caster and Illya help, Archer will definitely be able to restore its original strength.

"Accept it. Huh, you obviously want to refuse, but are you embarrassed? Even the saying is the same. No one was saved. Uruk survived five hundred people in the end. Your credit is not small."

"Anyway, I have to thank you first, Gilgamesh." Shirou put away the Holy Grail, ready to say a few more words.

But he suddenly found that Gilgamesh had already touched him.

"Che, have you been found?"

Shirou: "..."

"You winky with thick eyebrows and big eyes has also learned badly!"

Gilgamesh: "Who are you talking about with thick eyebrows and big eyes? Try saying it again?"

Chapter 77 Revenge for Siegfried!

Falling rocks are rolling, and great magic is flying all over the sky.

If it wasn't for Joan of Arc's magic resistance as high as EX level, they would have been beaten into corpses by Semiramis, the owner of this hanging garden.

"It's really a big deal." Lion Jie Jieli never forgot to light a cigarette for himself despite his busy schedule.

The cigarettes seem to be limited editions, but they are rare.

"Obviously an assassin, why are you so violent?"

"Master, what you said is very reasonable. I think Ziggy can give us some answers - why don't you explain to us how the black assassin fights without the feeling of an assassin at all?"

While fleeing in embarrassment, Mordred still didn't forget to tease Chigurh.

"Assassin doesn't feel like an assassin anymore!" Zieg strongly objected, "Infiltrating and beheading are all done in one go!"

As Shirou's master, Zieg loves him like a fan.

"Although the Assassins on both sides of the Holy Grail War are very strange, but you are more supportive of me!" Jeanne said dumbfoundedly, blocking another big magic trick.

"Ruler, I'm sorry!" Zieg said sadly.

"Ruler, I'm sorry!" Mordred also said sadly.

Lion Jie Jieli saw the two of them talking so neatly, it would not be good to disrupt the formation.

"Ruler, I'm sorry!"

"Ahhh—you guys!" Joan of Arc wanted to cry, "Although I took the lead in the charge before, I didn't take the lead and was bombarded—"

As if to end Joan of Arc's tragic fate as a human shield, the inner sky garden also collapsed slightly, and a huge stone suddenly fell down.

Ziggy had no choice but to run to the left, trying to avoid falling rocks.

Mordred quickly grabbed the lion Jie Jieli and ran to the right, and Joan also dodged to the right.

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