Time suddenly seemed to freeze.

Hercules saw through Karna's opening before he drew his sword, and the opening was huge.

He quickly understood that this was to kill him quickly, that's why Karna's movement of shooting the gun deformed so violently.

——A rare opportunity!

Upper arm, collarbone, trachea, skull, heart, ribs, testicles (harmony), thighs!

Locked up!


"NineLivesBladeWorks! (Shoot a hundred heads)"

The speed of the sword was so fast that even Hercules himself couldn't catch his sword shadow.

However, he could clearly perceive that Karna would definitely not be able to accept this move of his.

That transformation caused Lancer to open the door wide open, without any protection except for the armor on his body.

Even if he doesn't die, he can save Karna half his life!

The silver light is intertwined, almost as fast as the speed of light.

According to legend, the Japanese swordsman Sasaki Kojiro's secret skill Yanfan can swing three swords at the same time.

Although shooting and killing a hundred heads is far different in skill, it is far stronger in power than the three swords swung at the same time.

Because the strength and agility of Hercules itself are not comparable to Sasaki Kojiro!

This game was won by him!

A look of astonishment appeared on Karna's face, the gun in his hand tried hard to block Hercules' sword, but in this cage, he was almost sealed.

Even if his golden armor can reduce most of the damage, he is likely to be suppressed to death due to injuries!

Originally, he thought that Hercules was not good at melee combat when he was an archer, but the opponent pulled out the decorative sword at his waist unexpectedly.

He thought of his half-brother Arjuna.

The person who is favored by heaven is also favored in the game between himself and him.

Even the golden helmet, which was proof that he was the son of the sun god, was given to Indra.

Correspondingly, after taking away his armor, Indra may have looked at him with pity, and gave him a treasure that was fatal in one blow.

Not at this time, when?

Karna's eyes suddenly became hot, and the fire rushed to Hercules.

But Hercules's indomitable slight change of motion brought the sword back.

This time is completely enough, enough for him to turn his golden armor into the strongest gun!

The red gemstone inlaid on his body gleamed, and he wanted to burn all his power and convert it into the gun of death.

Suddenly, flames enveloped him, and it was a flame that was stronger than ordinary magic power.

This is the magical power obtained by burning his own life, the son of the sun god. Naturally, Hercules couldn't resist it.

"Damn, what is this? Do you still have this kind of means?" Hercules said unwillingly, but the fiery warrior soul was already burning.

He smiled.

"Hercules, I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so good at sword skills. If you and I are both in the rank of Saber, then we must be able to communicate in this respect heartily!"

"I heard that you are more suitable to be an archer. If I can meet you as an archer, then I also want to fight with you." Hercules said with some expectation.

Karna took off all his protection in the flames, leaving only the thin outer layer of clothing.

But that's enough.

The light and flames engulfed the surroundings, and the hanging garden was even a little crumbling.

For a time, the night turned into day, and even the dawn was omitted.

A purple-black gorgeous giant gun was held by Karna, and even the surrounding stones were burned into magma by high temperature.

Hercules has only a small area to stand on!

"Is this your strongest attack? Come on!"

"Take it, archer! Try my—"

"O sun wheel, obey death!"

The golden light overflowed, and Karna at this time was as dazzling as the sun.

And the sun is about to hit Hercules!

Chapter 79 Live broadcast and accidents?

"Why do I have thick eyebrows and big eyes? Please explain to me clearly!"

"Okay, the rough Uruk axe. You don't have thick eyebrows, okay?" Shirou blocked Gilgamesh's giant axe, and Moye, the general in his hand, was about to break.

It is really ironic to him that he can be beaten like this purely with the booster of the spell book and the axe.

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