"I'm rough?"

"Okay okay, not rough."

Shirou wiped his sweat and saw Gilgamesh who put away his ax slightly.

Sure enough, she still admitted that she was the Ax King of Uruk.

"I always feel that you are saying something bad about me."

Shirou was shocked, can this be discovered?

"How can it be bad to say something like Uruk Axe? It's clearly a compliment!" Shirou said righteously.

Gilgamesh's cheeks twitched slightly.

Shirou was quite proud of seeing Gilgamesh's speechless rebuttal.

Although skills in the hands may not necessarily take advantage of much, skills in the mouth must take advantage.

"Speaking of which, Emiya Shirou, I still have something I wanted to tell you." Gilgamesh frowned, and looked at Shirou in embarrassment, "Hey, but after thinking about it, I still don't plan to say it .This, um, Wang Hassan was...forget it, I still can’t tell you.”

This immediately aroused Shirou's interest.

"Wang Hassan, what's wrong?" Shirou was stunned, feeling a sense of ominous premonition in his heart.

"When did you first see him?"

"It seems that he was still trying to save Miyu. Why, what's wrong?"

"What do you think is the reason why a champion assassin is willing to make a move?"

Shirou thought carefully for 1s.

"No doubt, of course it's because I was born to please King Hassan."

Gilgamesh choked instantly, she had never seen such a brazen person.

"Your face is really big."

Then, both of them suddenly fell silent.

The scene was suddenly a little awkward.

Shirou found that his quick talk brought him a lot of bad consequences, and he couldn't even know what he wanted to know.

He had no choice but to lower his head.

A man needs to be able to stretch and bend.

"Well, Jill, I was wrong about what I said just now. Let's talk about this again?"

Without further ado, Gilgamesh aimed at Shirou with hundreds of rounds of Noble Phantasm from the King's Treasure House.

"There's nothing to talk about. Wait a minute, don't listen, leave!"

Before the words fell, hundreds of treasures flew towards Shirou overwhelmingly.

And each of these shots is an A-level treasure that can flatten a hill!

Shirou dodged left and right, in a panic.

"Hey, can't we just talk?"

"Hmph, I'll subdue you first, and then I'll teach you to be irresistible, and then I'll talk to you." Gilgamesh sneered, "Come on, didn't you mean me, Uruk axe?" King? I am full of axes here, and I am the King of Axes."

Shirou's face turned green.

If you want to talk well and Gilgamesh doesn't listen, then you can't blame him Emiya Shirou for destroying flowers.

"Gilgamesh, don't think you've won."

"Without EA, you are just a chicken in front of me. I want to see who will make who can't be messed with at the end of this battle!"

"Drink your milk well!"


"This is a live broadcast room that hasn't appeared for a long time! I'm an observer reporter, everyone's idol, Alaya-chan!"

Alaya held the microphone and watched the scene of Shirou flying towards the garden with a missile very excitedly.

"After so many days of fierce fighting, today is finally the final battle. It's really not easy. Now let's interview Sakura, who hasn't appeared for a long time!"

"As we all know, at the beginning, Emiya Shirou and Joan of Arc had an ambiguous relationship with Gilgamesh, and it wasn't until the middle of the battle that she got rid of the suspicion. Sakura's mood also fluctuated a lot. Now, Sakura, what do you think of Emiya Shirou who appeared this time?"

Sakura smiled calmly.

"This is all a misunderstanding. I believe that senior has always liked me. Senior said that he will always be Sakura's partner of justice. The early operations are just normal routines of seniors. As a school girl, I have already It's already very familiar!"

Alaya nodded, and passed the microphone to Archer.

"Shirou Emiya, I won't say too much, I just hope you don't have to do so many thrilling operations again. Do you know how hard it took me to calm Sakura down? Do you know? Although It is said that you have helped me, but to be reasonable, if you continue this operation, you will be hopeless, understand?"

Arturia also quickly took over the microphone, and said with some displeasure: "Shirou, that shining golden follower, just hack to death, don't talk nonsense."

Alaya withdrew the microphone at this time: "Then let's continue our live broadcast—hey, Ilya, what are you doing?"

"I haven't spoken yet!"

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