"I didn't say anything either!"

"I didn't say anything either!"


"Ahem, after going out of control for a while, we are finally back to the topic. Emiya, Emiya and the others have met Gilgamesh head-on!"

Shirou's voice came from the screen.

"Then, there is no problem in defeating it, right?"

"It appeared! A handsome line appeared! Crazy call for Emiya!"

Alaya shouted excitedly.

"Emiya fans, raise your hands!"

"Emiya! (Brother) (Senior) (Shirou) Fuck her to death!"

The wonderful battle on the screen did not appear soon, but entered the chat?

"Could this be the legendary chat flow!" Alaya commented before the scene reached its climax, "Chat flow, that is, the legendary use of words as weapons, so that you can win without a weapon in your hand I didn’t expect this long-lost unique school to reappear in the Jianghu..."

Just when Alaya was blowing hard, a suffocating speech silenced the live broadcast room.

"I'd like to see who in the end of this battle has made who can't be provoked!"

"Drink your milk well!"

Silence, silence.If you don't explode in silence, you die in silence.

Sakura lowered her head.

His hair became snow white again, and his eyes were a little red.

"Archer, go-getter, give it to me."

"Sakura, what are you doing?"

"Projection, give me, quick!"

Sakura took the knife.


Archer's hands trembled slightly, and he passed the whetstone over.

"Sakura, what are you doing? Calm down!"

Sakura smiled coldly: "Don't you understand what I'm going to do?"

Chapter 80 Come on, Siegfried!

"Oh? To avenge Siegfried?"

Achilles looked at Chigurh playfully: "What's your relationship with him?"

"It's just an artificial human who accepted his heart!"

Zig tried his best to block Achilles' gun, and Achilles laughed.

"Interesting and interesting. Assassin is very shameless, but as his master, you have some ambition."

Achilles' eyes slanted slightly, and he noticed that Rider and Berserker had already reacted, and rushed towards him.

With a sudden leap, he jumped tens of meters away.

"Zig, are you alright?" Rider asked concerned.

Ziggy shook his head, but his arm secretly hurt.

The line between servants and humans is very clear.Strength, speed, endurance, are not on the same level at all.

But if she admits defeat here, then why does she talk about revenge for Siegfried?

"rider, berserker, and—is your name Ziggy?"


"Huh, inherited his name?" Achilles murmured, then pointed his gun at Chigurh and shouted, "Hey, you go up together, but you are not allowed to run away. In exchange, then The two masters on the side, how about I let them go too?"

Zieg looked at the two people behind him and nodded.

If this is the case, at least let them go.

"Okay, that's it!" Zieg clenched the sword in his hand, trembling a little, closed his eyes, and let out a long breath.

Her hands were still cold, but she stopped shaking.

"Are you ready?" Achilles lowered his body slightly, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

So fast!

Eyes can't even catch it!

Astolfo, who was standing on Zieg's left, was knocked into the air in an instant.

Berserker smashed Achilles with a sledgehammer, but a phantom flashed, and Berserker disappeared.

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