Only then did Chigurh realize that the phantom was actually Achilles' right leg.

"It hurts..." rider touched his waist.

Zieg tightly clenched the sword in his hand.

Can you really win?Just relying on his own mortal body.

If he died here, wouldn't it be meaningless for Siegfried to give his heart?

Berserker also wailed in pain, struggling to get up from the ground.

"Hey, Master of Assassin, don't you dare to come over?" Achilles said with a playful smile.

It takes a lot of courage to fight monsters far beyond your own strength.

When fighting against this kind of monster, you have to think of the possibility of victory, and then try your best, that is more courageous.

Achilles smiled playfully, grabbed the gun with his backhand, jumped, and immediately threw it at Zieg.

"Can you catch my shot?"

Ziggy gripped his sword tightly.

Can't hold back anymore.

Try to lean your body outward.

The sword in his hand also touched the golden gun.

Just by touching it, Ziggy felt how powerful its thrower was.

Even if he slashed the sword at the gun with all his strength, he couldn't change the direction in which the gun was thrown.

Spears and swords staggered, and the sound of metal collision made Zigg's ears hurt.

Berserker had also fallen to the ground, and the rider could barely stand up, but he couldn't support her either.

Is there no way?

This life was saved by so many people, can't even avenge Siegfried in the end?

Get moving!

The golden gun brushed against Zigg's upper arm, and a very neat break and irregular bloodstain appeared on the clothes.

"But that's all, it's just courage."

Achilles whispered.

The golden gun turned back in the air and returned to his hand.

"go to hell!"

Achilles aimed at Chigurh's heart and stabbed it hard.

— Draw out your sword.

The silver-haired man said.

Just like you were then.

Draw it, O sword!

Ziggy's eyes widened. The black ones represented that Siegfried's Command Spell shone brightly, enveloping her.

She is not fighting alone!

Slashing fiercely at Achilles' golden spear, Zigg found that the spear had finally shifted its direction.

Have the opportunity!

But, beyond Chigurh's expectation, Achilles gave up the golden gun in his right hand, held Chigurh's shoulder blade with his left hand, and threw it to the ground.

Chigurh suffered from pain, tried his best to stand up, and stepped back.

Achilles stepped forward slowly, his tall body oppressing Chigurh.

No help?


Zigg suddenly found that Coles had turned his head back. In this dangerous battlefield, could it be that he turned back because he was concerned about the safety of Berserker?

"Caules!" Gold stretched out his hand, trying to stop him, "Don't worry about Berserker, let's go!"

"I'm sorry, Uncle Gold, you go first and save the masters of the red side. I'm really worried about Berserker." Coles ran to Berserker's side and helped her up, "Are you okay?"

Berserker supported his body, and the sound of whimpering became much smaller.

But when she saw Cowles, her voice suddenly contained great anger.


Achilles frowned.

"Oh? Master of Berserker, I repeat, leave quickly, otherwise you will be my hunting target, understand?"

"I know, but I still can't let her be killed by you like this. If you want to die, let's go together." Coles clenched his fists, and the Command Seal emitted a seductive red light.

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