"Stand up, berserker!"

The Command Seals turned into magic power, almost repairing all of Berserker's Saint Foundation.

Gold scratched his head and looked at Cowles angrily: "Really, everyone is so self-willed. Forget it, then I will be self-willed for a while. Rider, stand up."

Rider picked up his knight gun and stood up: "Thank you, master."

Gold yelled.

"Zig, if you really inherit the heart of Saber Siegfried, then stand up and try to chop off the sword at Achilles' head, did you hear that? Siegfried's ability, But it's more than that!"

Isn't Siegfried's power limited to this?

Then the self who has his heart, of course, can't be limited to this!

The sword in his hand was wrapped in white light.

Fantasy Great Sword·Demon Lost Fall!

That's right, this is Siegfried's Noble Phantasm.This is the tip of Siegfried's true power.

In the eyes of others, Chigurh's dress has undergone a surprising change.

"Is that blood armor?" Gold couldn't help sobbing, "And that sword?"

He thought he would never see that blood armor again, but today——

Gold gritted his teeth and stopped the tears that were about to fall.

Chigurh had recovered quite a bit, he could tell.

If so, then——

"Come on, Siegfried!"

Chapter 81 Hercules vs Karna

The lava flowed, and even spewed out a little, and was drawn down by gravity like a sun prominence.

This made Hercules think of the sun, and his good friend, Apollo.

The sun god Apollo is his good friend, and he also knows how powerful such an enemy is.

Fighting with a human body against a god requires not strength, but wisdom and courage.

The ferocious fire dragon condensed in Karna's hands, his silver hair surged up with the hot wind.

He stood in the center of the nearly thousand-meter-wide melted magma, and the fire dragon absorbed all the heat condensed nearby.

But it might be——that fire dragon, did the heat from it melt the entire area?

To fight against such a Noble Phantasm, you must either fight against it with a Noble Phantasm of the same level, or let the opponent have no chance to use this Noble Phantasm from the beginning.

Maybe it's really too big.

Hercules thought.

To let the other party use such a powerful treasure, it is completely comparable to the sword of the oath of victory, or the treasure of heaven and earth leaving Pi Zhi Xing.

If there are still twelve trials——

This idea was immediately rejected by Hercules.

Even with the Twelve Trials, he is likely to die at this moment.

He had to stop the opponent's treasure, at least not to be hit head-on.

"Archer of the black side, in order to represent my most sincere respect, let me put an end to you with this strongest blow! If you can die from this shot, you can also smile at Jiuquan!"

"Then you are really joking. There is no death and failure in my life."

Hercules clenched the golden bow given by Apollo in his hand.

The golden bow shimmered.

He never gave up.

His life was about winning, winning, and winning.

Difficult and dangerous situations could not stop him, and the fastest creatures in the world could not escape his hunting. The swamp was easily crossed by him, and the Hydra was killed by shooting hundreds of heads after he tempered his skills.

Nothing can stop him, even if it is impossible, even if it is all difficult and dangerous, he is not afraid.

If there is an obstacle, overcome it. If there is no possibility of success, create a possibility and realize it.

Obstacles are for people to cross!

Hercules estimated, waiting for the opponent's opening.

This treasure seems to have completely turned into a golden crow, even turning blue.

Has the temperature reached this point already?

This treasure seems to have been fully charged, waiting to be shot out.

Finally, Karna's golden armor was completely converted into the spear in his hand.

His protection has been completely removed, leaving only a thin black tights.

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