Hercules immediately drew nine golden arrows from the quiver and put them on the bow.

If there is an opportunity, it is now!

"Then let you try my ultimate skill—" Hercules murmured in a low voice.

The temperature has caused the air to distort the light, which is a very bad situation for a shooter.

——The position of the enemy does not match the reality!

But that didn't bother Hercules.

Correction, start.

position, aim.

"Shoot a hundred heads!"

Nine dragons carrying the hope of Hercules were launched from their bows and headed straight for Karna.

At this moment, the flame finally burned to the extreme.

"O sun wheel, obey death!"

The giant dragon approached Karna's body, roaring and trying to take Karna's life.

But Karna's Solar Lance held them back.

The nine giant dragons wailed and tried their best to break through the blockade.

But the Sun Spear was rock-solid, and even started a counterattack!

An arrow finally burned out in the flames of the gun.

Two arrows, three arrows were destroyed one after another.

The rest of the arrows couldn't hold it anymore, and burned themselves, whining.

The sun was victorious, and all the arrows died instantly, drowned in it, and roared towards Hercules.

They've done their job, and now, it's Hercules' turn!

The blue-black arrow shot out quietly and flew into the sky.

At the same time, Hercules rushed towards Karna with the bronze shield on his back, and the victory or defeat depended on it!

"Arrow of the strange bird, restrain the opponent!"

The strange bird entrenched in Lake Stymphalis that was killed during his lifetime, displayed dozens of bronze arrows fired in the battle with the goddess Ishtar possessed by the Einzbern man-made Phyllia Turn into a monster bird and attack the opponent.

It was one of the manifestations of his trials in life.

His Twelve Trials are indeed unusable.

However, that didn't mean he couldn't copy that weapon—just that he could.

There is someone like this around him, who can almost perfectly replicate the weapon, just tell him the blueprint of the design.

Go on!

Birds of Ares!

The bronze arrows in the air turned into a hurricane of arrows, not afraid of Karna's scorching heat, and rushed towards him like death.

Karna was startled, and swung the giant gun quickly.

Then, a large group of arrows dissipated.

And this did not make the bronze arrow disappear, but more, almost inexhaustible!

Because the arrow itself is alive, just the feathers of the beloved bird raised by the god of war Ares.

Feathers are like human hair, how can they dry up?

"Archer, I underestimated you, and you still have this trick—is this your plan? But, this is too underestimating me, right? If you destroy the original arrow in the sky, there will be nothing left." Does it make sense?"

Karna's eyes shot out light, aiming at the strange bird in the sky.

The light swept away, but under the distortion of the air, Lancer was a bit difficult to aim!

"Brahma, curse me!"

Karna took out another gun in his left hand, and then threw it at the bronze arrow, which exploded suddenly.

Hercules' methods are gone, he doesn't have any treasures that can surpass the golden arrow and the strange bird in the sky.

But that doesn't mean he lost!

In other words, he has already won!

The strange bird bought enough time for him, and that was enough!

The flames began to shatter like a balloon being burst.

Karna narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw a golden-red beast appearing in the fireball, rushing towards Karna roaring.

No, that's not a beast, but a bronze shield that was almost melted by the high temperature.

And after that—

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