He looked back at Cowles and Gold, who were dealing with the injuries of Berserker and Rider.

"Caules, and Gold, you take care of them first. Right here, don't move around, Ziggy and I will come whenever we go."

Cowles nodded, his eyes shifted to Zieg.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you, Berserker would probably be dead."

Facing this kind of words of thanks, Zieg was at a loss for a while, and then nodded in a muffled voice.

The chubby Gold dealt with the rider's injury a little bit, raised his eyebrows, the muscles on his face relaxed a lot, and the corners of his mouth raised.

But then he realized that he had lost his composure and coughed.

"Hmph, as Saber's successor, you're doing pretty well. But it's just okay. I don't admit that you've done a good job....Of course, I think your performance this time is pretty good. Yes, at least it can be commensurate with your name. Come on, Zieg, you are the one who inherited the heart of Saber. Next, you use your sword to tell the red side who is the winner of this Holy Grail War... ..."

Suddenly, Hercules frowned and sniffed.

"The concentration of magic power, that's not right. Wait, is the magic power of the earth veins drawn up? Oops, has the ceremony already started?"

"Ritual?" Chigurh asked. "What ceremony?"

"The ritual of materializing the soul using the Great Grail."

Author's message:

Let me explain first.This Sieg is not Ultrafly, not a transformation, but wearing a blood armor and a treasure as equipment.It is almost equivalent to Shirou with the sword in the stone and Avalon, but after a certain amount of physical strengthening, so Zieg is really weak at this time. . .

Chapter 84 The Battle of Semiramis

In the Holy Grail War, seven servants are generally summoned to compete for an item that is usually considered to be able to simply fulfill a wish, and the basic principle is to ignore the process with a lot of magic power.

Yes, in the eyes of orthodox magicians, the so-called Holy Grail is a prop with almost endless magic power.But even such a holy grail has caused countless magicians to fight for it and die.

If they knew the role of the real Holy Grail, they might regret their superficiality.

That is the third method, in order to realize the materialization of the soul and save all human beings, a kind of magic has been obtained.

"Finally? I finally waited until this moment." Amakusa Shiro murmured.

The peaceful sleeping posture of the android is engraved on the Holy Grail in front of him.Lizleich Justisa von Einzbern was able to touch the third method, but the materialization of her soul was too slow.Therefore, she used her body as part of the magic circle, and the other two families of the Yusan family provided the command spells and the venue.

The previous three Holy Grail Wars almost all ended in failure. Einzbern almost gave up the plan, the Maqili family was completely destroyed, and the Tohsaka family lived a peaceful life as a small landlord in the magic world again.

But this time is different.

He, Amakusa Shiro, will definitely make the grand wish of the Einzbern family come true, save all mankind, and make heaven reappear on earth.

"Karna is dead, and one of the strongest followers on our red side has left. Master, you seem to be moving faster." Semiramis looked at Shiro Amakusa with playfulness in his eyes.

"Is that so? Then leave the rest to you and the caster." Amakusa Shiro smiled, but his breathing was a little short.

"Hmph, since you have said so, master, then I have no choice but to agree to you reluctantly. But as for the caster, I think you probably can't count on it." Semiramis snapped his fingers, and on the screen Caster and Shirou appeared.

Gilgamesh's ax had struck Shirou's sword, and seemed to have the upper hand.

However, in the next second, Shirou's right hand sneaked under the caster.


"Gilgamesh, is it cool down here? Huh? Is it cool?"

"Weimiya, do you actually like playing this kind of play? Tsk tsk, it's not that I can't accept it, it's just—hehehe."

"Just what?"

"It's nothing—I'm just hesitant to tell you something..."

Amakusa Shiro fell into a secret silence.

They seem to be having a good time?

"It seems that there is really no hope." Amakusa Shiro scratched his hair, feeling his scalp itchy.

It's really strange, I am clearly the result of being fleshed by a servant, but I feel this way. I really have to say, is the third method really miraculous?

"I'm right. Hey, my master, what a pity, now you only have me as a servant who can help you fulfill your wish. I really can't do what I want." Semiramis sighed, Brows furrowed.

"How could it be? Assassin, you are the servant I chose to summon specially. If it was you, it shouldn't be a big problem for one to top three, right?"

"Maybe." Semiramis said despondent words, but the smile on the corner of his mouth had already betrayed her, "Since you have said so, Master, then I can only do it?"

"Then, I leave everything to you, Assassin. I order you in the name of Command Seals, Assassin, be sure to block the ruler, saber, and the approaching Archer in the main hall." Amakusa clenched her fists, and the Command Seals turned into magic power , enhanced assassin.

Although the actual effect is minimal, it shows Amakusa's own momentum.

"Then leave everything to me." Semiramis covered his mouth and laughed tenderly.

At this moment, Amakusa Shiro was stunned.

"What's the matter, master? Is there anything else to do? Go, if you fail, I won't forgive you. Hmph, if you lose, then let's see what hell looks like."

Amakusa Shiro nodded, smiling again.

This has been his real, heartfelt joy for sixty years.

"Assassin, you are so beautiful."


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