Amakusa Shiro shook his head quickly: "No, I didn't say anything. Just treat it as nonsense. Even if it's not to see hell, I have to fulfill my wish."

"It's good to know." Semiramis wrapped his arms around his chest, and glanced over, "I'm right here, waiting for the news of your success."

Amakusa Shiro fell into the Holy Grail, as if absorbed into it.

Semiramis understood that it was time for him to show himself.

The big gift package she prepared for Ruler, Saber and Arhcer this time is not that simple.

Hydra venom is just an appetizer, one of Tiamat's eleven sons, Basum's attack, and...

The door of the palace was opened, ruler and saber walked in.

If you take a closer look, you can see that the two of them have dust all over their bodies.Joan of Arc is supposed to be a spotless lotus flower, but it seems to jump out of the mud. Saber is also quite embarrassed, even the armor is a little broken,

"Welcome, both of you. My master really doesn't treat guests well." Semiramis propped his head, feeling very distressed.

"The hospitality is not good? Hehe, I think your hospitality is very sufficient." Mordred raised his sword, his voice was full of anger, "Poison woman, you should die quickly. Then I will kill you Master, this Holy Grail War can end, and I can happily travel around the world."

"Well, the hospitality is still not good enough. Or, Saber, your tutor is not good? As a guest, it's damnable to speak wild words to the host." Semiramis laughed ferociously, "Ruler is If you are still a little self-conscious, then I can let you die cleanly."

"Assassin... Sure enough, you were the one who lured your master to do such a thing?" Joan asked, "What is your purpose?"

"Tsk tsk, it seems that I misread you too. I've said it all. I'm just a servant, obeying the master's orders. He will fulfill my wishes, and I will follow his orders. That's enough. .”

"Come out, Basum, and Hydra."

Nine huge heads protruded from the ground, and nine pairs of vertical pupils looked at Joan of Arc and Mordred greedily.

Competing with it was Bashum, one of the eleven sons of Tiamat. Darkness enveloped its body, obeying the orders of its master, and preparing to kill Mordred and Joan of Arc in one go.

"That's it, I have no more interest in you two. Right here, go away. Come on, Hydra, Basum!"

The hydra immediately opened its bloody mouth, pointed at Joan of Arc, and even sprayed out the poison.

Chapter 85 You poisoned Basium's body!

The royal palace of Semiramis is magnificent, and unknown golden statues surround the center like an audience sitting in a huge theater, and the center is the throne.Hundreds of steps are suspended in the air and connected to the ground.

Mordred once thought about building a magnificent palace if he won the rebellion.

But when such a palace was in front of her, she was not interested, and even wanted to kill Hydera who had already stretched her head in front of her.

Chi Lei extended from Mordred's body to Wang Jian's sword body. She swung her hands and slashed at the huge blue-black head.

Hydra's severed hair wailed, its eyes widened, and its severed neck shrank back like a torn rubber band. Blood spilled all over the palace, even onto Mordred. body.

The blood stained on Mordred's armor was blue-black like its owner, and the moment it stained the armor, the armor emitted bubbling sounds and smoke.

"It's really disgusting. Venomous woman, is your method the poison of these disgusting people?" Mordred said with distress when he found that his armor was corroded.

"Very poison is not used to disgust people, but to kill people." Semiramis narrowed his eyes and smiled, covering his mouth with his hand, as if it was something funny, "My treat how?"

"It's terrible." Mordred pouted, and said, "I have already beheaded one of your monsters, and then I only need to cut off eight more. It's too easy."

As soon as the words fell, a new head suddenly emerged from the severed neck, growled angrily, and bit Mordred again.

"What kind of monster is this?" Mordred kicked Hydera's other attacking head, and the sword slashed at the one attacking from the front, "Why can't you die!?"

Facing Basum, Joan of Arc tried her best to support the battle situation. The holy flag supported the monster's claws. The stench made her frown. Make her a little restless.

In an instant, the emerald green liquid dripped down and came towards her!

She stretched out the protection of her holy banner, and the holy white light enveloped her as she tried her best to withstand the foul smell and green liquid of Baxium.

The liquid slowly slipped from the shield, almost submerging her completely.

But as the fluid slid down, through the shield, she punched Basum in several yellow eyes.

Baxium was in pain, his eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but retract his head.

Joan of Arc looked at the disgusting green liquid with disdain, and even disgusted Bashum.

"It's really disgusting—Semiramis, I think what Saber said is correct, are these monsters your means?"

Semiramis shook his head and sighed:

"It seems that you, Ruler, are also very dissatisfied with my hospitality. You really don't look like a guest. Since you are so rude to guests, then you should die with Saber. Go, Basum, and Hydera !"

Following the order, the two monsters stared at Joan of Arc and Mordred.

Joan took two steps back, wanting to give herself a little distance to fight.

The same was true for Mordred, until they touched a piece, only to find that they were surrounded.

"Hey, ruler. What's the situation with these two monsters?" Saber asked.

She has put on her own helmet to prevent being hit by the poison.Hydra venomous snakes are not too clear, they have to be careful.

"Saber, the monster you are facing is called Hydra. Because it has nine heads, it is also called Hydra. Its characteristic is that it cannot die unless all nine heads are broken together." Ruler explained, "It can be said that he is even more troublesome than Baxium."

Mordred thought for a moment, then wrapped his left hand around Ruler's waist.

"Ruler, you don't have enough firepower, right? But can you hold on for a while? Then Hydera will be handed over to you. Baxium will let me deal with it!"

Before Saber finished speaking, her body had already rushed towards Bashum, one of Tiamat's eleven sons.

Chi Lei sprang out from her body again, her speed suddenly increased, and she rushed in front of Baxium in an instant.

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