Basum didn't seem to react at all, he opened his mouth wide, but his paws were still on the spot.

"Now, I got it!"

The white light instantly enveloped Mordred's body, and she couldn't help turning her head to look——

Is that a big magic beyond A-level?


Semiramis raised his hand, and several magic tricks formed in an instant, wrapping Mordred into a circle!

Mordred dodged left and right, dodged several magic tricks one after another, and managed to eat a magic trick with his B-level magic resistance, only to find that Bashum had put his claws on the left and right sides of the exit again at this time. The mouth is about to bite off.

This is a trap!

At this critical moment, she abruptly cut off one of Baxium's claws, but Bashumu bit her armor!

Mordred pushed his head upwards so hard that the horns on the helmet were broken in two.

His left hand pressed tightly on Baxium's fangs, trying to relieve some pressure on his head.

But it can't be done at all, Basum's bite force is too amazing!

"Saber—!" the ruler shouted.

She gritted her teeth, hesitating whether to go forward or not.But the threat of the hydra is too great.She couldn't imagine how dangerous it would be if it didn't have the pressure she gave it.

"Don't—worry!" Saber yelled.

She lowered her head, wanting to find something that could defeat Bashum.

Have it.

That is a sword!

Holding the sword in her right hand, she inserted it into Bashum's jaw so hard that even Joan, who was fighting Hydra far away, could see the tip of the king's sword exposed.

Basum suffered from pain, and his palate opened, making Mordred feel the pressure on his head loosen.It whined and shook its head vigorously, it didn't want to eat her anymore, it wanted to go back!

But for this, Mordred just wants to say——

"Give me death!"

"It's so disgusting, and you still came to pollute my sight, you should go to hell to reflect on me first!"

Pulling out the sword stuck in his jaw, Mordred rushed to the inner wall of Basum's body, cutting the whole thing in half.

"Didn't expect that, assassin. After taking Bashumu's life, the rest will be yours!"

Saber laughed loudly, but secretly groaned in her heart.

Her magic doesn't seem to be enough.

The magic power is released too much!

"Oh, is that so?" Semiramis seemed to see Saber's sternness, and didn't care about the fact that Basum was killed.

Narrowing her eyes, she was planning something.

After all, the time should be up soon.

"Nonsense." Saber said.

She held the king sword and pointed it at Semiramis.

But the next moment, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she fell to the ground weakly.

"You—poisoned Bashum's body!?"

"Yes, I just put poison in its body!"

Chapter 86

The torn rags were scattered, and Shirou was out of breath.

"I think you can't take it anymore, Gilgamesh? You should quickly disarm and surrender! In this way, we can all rest for a while, or do you want to continue to squeeze my magic power?"

"Hmph, just kidding. Shirou, don't underestimate me, I'm more than enough to clean you up and make you docile!" Gilgamesh wiped the white liquid on her face. In fact, her whole body It's all white liquid.

The liquid flowed slowly until it reached her feet.

"Shirou, I really didn't expect that you would have so much physical strength, and even so much magic power—you would make so much milk."

"Hmph, what are you kidding, do you think I'm a vegetarian? My much as you want!" Shirou said a little bit bravely.

Panting, he was a little speechless.Gilgamesh is really too difficult to deal with, and his persecuting power is too strong. He really deserves to be the oldest hero-king of mankind.

"You are the king of heroes, you really deserve your reputation. Although your skills are not good, you are still very powerful in other places."

"What technology is not good? Although Shirou, you have a new understanding of me, but I have to tell you, I can do it anywhere, understand?"

Gilgamesh grabbed Shirou's waist and squeezed it hard.

Shirou's face suddenly turned purple.

"Gilgamesh, you are really cruel!"

"To each other." Gilgamesh looked at the empty bottle of Mengniu pure milk in Shirou's hand, and growled, "Don't you also bring the milk I hate the most to make me look like this? Drenched!"

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