"It deserves it." Shirou sneered, "If it wasn't because you were holding an ax around my neck and was about to fuck me, how would I have thought of using your most hated milk to fuck you? Hahahahahaha—I didn't expect that, The oldest King of Heroes, you actually hate milk. I had an idea, and I put a sword around your neck instead."

Shirou looked at Gilgamesh whose cheeks were already covered with milk, and dared not move the knife in his hand.

The main reason is that the opponent's ax is on his neck, and his left hand is still on his waist. If he moves, Gilgamesh will probably try his best to chop him off, right?

"Damn, how did you think I would hate milk!"

"Didn't you say you like beef? Your friend Enkidu died because of the bull in Ishtar, right? If so, you must hate milk."

Shirou said confidently.

"Huh? And then? What does this have to do with my distaste for milk? I like beef!"

"Nonsense. To eat beef is to slaughter the cow. To drink milk, isn't it the same as recognizing the cow as your mother?"

Gilgamesh looked at Shirou with disbelief on his face: "Shirou, do you remember something?"

"Huh?" Shirou was stunned, why did he think of something?Isn't this a reasonable inference?

Then he was knocked down to the ground, and the sword in his hand was slapped away by Gilgamesh's hand.

"You fuck me!" Shirou shouted in grief, and then his face burned.

"Shirou, what are you talking about?" Gilgamesh looked at him playfully.

Shirou tried his best to raise his head, looking at a certain part of himself.

"Jill, you, yes, have something to say."

"Isn't this king talking nicely?" Gilgamesh licked his scarlet tongue, his pupils were erect like snakes, and he was staring at Shirou.

The snake not only found its prey, but also crushed the prey under itself.

"Aren't you moved? You should feel honored that this king personally put you under him."

Feeling a strange feeling somewhere, Shirou said with grief and indignation: "Don't dare to move, don't dare to move."

"Huh? Not moved?"

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed, and Shirou was even more frightened.

"Dare to move, dare to move! Isn't that okay?"

Gilgamesh nodded, ready to enjoy tonight's dinner.

Shirou knew that if this matter was captured by the angry Alaya, he would definitely be notified to Sakura and the others, so...

The consequences are unimaginable!

But more importantly——

"Jill, come to think of it, why did you stop me like this?" Shirou played the lyrical card.

"Because you are cute." Gilgamesh seemed to say without thinking about it.

"This—" Shirou gritted his teeth, "Then let me go after you're done! That guy Amakusa is about to complete the third method, so I should stop him quickly."

"Oh? What does that have to do with this king?" Gilgamesh didn't seem to care, "This king wants to treat you as someone who can't be messed with. From now on, you are my king's toy."

Shirou bit his lip, feeling salty and painful.

Anger was burning in his chest, and Shirou felt that he could not take it anymore.

"I'll give you another chance, Jill." Shirou squinted his eyes and took a breath, slowing himself down, "You, say it again."

"Isn't this king's meaning straightforward enough? You belong to this king tonight. No, you will always belong to this king!"

Shirou opened his mouth, and tried his best to hold back.

"Please. After I take care of Amakusa, you can do whatever you want, okay? I can do whatever you want."

Gilgamesh seemed to enjoy Shirou's reaction, she narrowed her eyes and licked her lips.

"not good."

Shirou finally couldn't take it any longer and pushed Gilgamesh away from him violently.

"If that's the case, then you can die for me! It's about a world being edited and the human beings in this world can't survive. You, the oldest hero king of mankind, don't care about it. Die for me, go Hell, reflect on your Uruk people before you come to be your hero king!"

Gilgamesh was not angry at all, squinting and smiling.

"My lord has been waiting for you to get angry for a long time. I haven't seen your expression like this for a long time, and I still miss it. Haha, hahahaha——"

She laughed unabashedly.

"This king is waiting for you. Long time no see, Emiya Shirou."

"What do you mean?" Shirou frowned, "Are you planning me?"

"Well. Although it was fun for me to fight with you before, what I want to see after all is that you are angry and protect the people behind you. Otherwise, your artificial master will have to die with me. Ben The king will endure for a long time for beautiful things." Gilgamesh took a few steps back and took out his own sky lock.

"Okay. Now, Shirou, take up your weapon and kill me, who stands in the way, and then defeat the ignorant Amakusa Shiro for me."

Chapter 87 Leave the rest to me

Mordred spat out green blood.

It was extremely poisonous, even just touching the floor, the floor was corroded and thick white smoke came out.

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