Zieg looked at the Command Seal in his hand in disbelief.

There were originally two strokes, but now, all of them have disappeared.

What this means, she is very clear.

That's—assassin dead?

"Assassin... seems to be, seems to be... dead?"

Chigurh's pale expression made Joan unable to understand, until she saw Chigurh looked at her right hand several times, only a faint red trace was left on the right hand that originally had a bright red Command Seal.

The only one who can give her such a big blow is assassin.

"Don't worry, didn't he contact you before his accident?"

Ziggy shook his head.

"No, he lost contact not long after we left, but the Command Seal is still there, so I feel more at ease."

Joan hesitated for a moment.

"Then let me try. In the name of Command Spells, the black side's assassin, come here, assist me, and defeat the red side!"

The command spell spread out immediately, but it seemed to have no effect at all.

The entire cave was still quiet, and the assassin who always brought lively air did not appear.

"Did he really leave?" Joan murmured in disbelief.

She really couldn't believe that the person who was absolutely top-notch in self-protection ability, who believed in fighting if he could fight and running if he couldn't, left so suddenly.

"Let's go."

Zig closed his eyes, frowned, and turned his head away.


"Assassin, does he want to defeat the red side? Then, let me come, I will defeat him!"

After that, Zieg continued to walk forward.

"Zig, you are stronger than I thought. Well, let's go, I will help you."

The light in the distance has already penetrated, and the strong magic power has also penetrated in.

This can only show - the enemy is there.

"Amakusa Shiro... Tokisada."

Jeanne murmured.

It could only be him who was wearing a red coat and a black priest's suit underneath.

"Long time no see, ruler." Amakusa Shiro narrowed his eyes, with a warm smile, "There is no need to fight between us, because the Great Holy Grail has already fulfilled my wish, and only needs to tour the whole world."


Joan couldn't help rushing out, but Chigurh stopped her.

"Ruler, don't be impulsive!"

Joan of Arc's steps were slowly retracted.

"Amakusa Shiro, are you really going to complete your so-called great cause?"

"It's not a so-called great cause, but a real great cause. The relief of all mankind, this is what I want to bring to the world. It's so simple. Besides, I don't think you have any reason to be an enemy of me, do you?"

Amakusa Shiro persuaded, "Wouldn't it be great if we could witness the world being rescued together? Artificial man-san, I think, you should understand me best."

Chigurh looked at Amakusa Shiro blankly.

She suddenly became dazed.

The relief of all mankind, and the understanding of him?Why?

"What do you mean? What is the relief of all mankind?"

Amakusa Shiro was stunned for a while: "Don't you know? That is to say, use the soul to materialize, and use the third method to free all human beings from the bondage of the body."

"However, this is based on the evacuation of the world's great source, and humans all over the world will be forced to live in a harsh environment."

Joan took a step forward.

"Well, that's not bad. For humans who are alive now, such a world is undoubtedly hell. But for humans who have been saved, what about a world like that? Can it stop them from surviving? ? Of course not. Because they are new human beings, immortal, without desire, and without pain! They will not have the desire for survival, let alone the pain of death!"

Amakusa talked about her grand wishes, and described a world that Chigurh could hardly imagine.

At this moment, Zieg was even a little scared.

No desire, no pain, no life, no death?

"Look, the cyborgs agree with me somewhat, don't they?"

In an instant, the foul-smelling artificial human manufacturing room appeared before the eyes again, and the green fluorescent light reflected the artificial humans piled up like a hill.

If I didn't try hard to leave at that time, it must be as miserable as those artificial humans who died for no reason, right?Life just dissipated like this, and I haven't even seen a little light yet.

The gloomy life has not been dyed the slightest color.

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