Just like an old black and white photo, it naturally makes people feel scary.

Ziggy touched his heart, which was still beating.


She is not like before, in the test tube, she has no consciousness at all.

"I object!"

Chapter 92 The Cup of Heaven

"I object."

The words of Chigurh's voice resounded through the inner space of the Hanging Garden, and even after a long time, the reverberation could be heard.

Amakusa Shiro's face changed slightly, his mouth opened, but he didn't know what to say.

"I object, against your opinion. We are enemies, and we cannot stand on the same side. My wish, I do not agree with."

Zieg rejected the other party's kindness and wishes without hesitation.


Amakusa Shiro opened his mouth with difficulty. He really didn't expect the other party to oppose him, because he opposed him, because he didn't agree with his wish.He thought that even if he objected, it would be because of assassin.

"My wish, where do you disagree? The beauty in the world, everything in the world can last forever, instead of being fleeting, people don't have to worry about living, so there will be absolutely no war. Why do you Object to my opinion!"

Faced with such a direct questioning, Chigurh remained silent.

She didn't know the reason either.

She is just a cyborg who was just born a few days ago, and even the logic cannot be fully constructed in many cases. She can't understand why she opposes, but she instinctively opposes the other party.


"do not know."

Amakusa Shiro's figure froze.

"do not know?"

"Is it because, assassin? Is it against my wish for the servant who has been with me for a long time?"

This statement made Zigg himself a little puzzled.

In the end, is it because of assassin?

She only knows that Assassin is against Amakusa Shiro's vision, and she only knows that Ruler also expressed disgust to the world described by Amakusa Shiro.

But so what?

This is not a reason for her to oppose the other party.

"No way..."

"Then why are you so resolutely disgusted with my wish?"

Why, why?

How could she possibly know this?

But, that sentence——

There will be no desire for life, no pain for death.

She knew that she would never like that kind of life.

Because she was like this at the beginning, until she was afraid of death, until she yearned for survival, yearning for living, and yearning for contact with the outside world, she began to feel that she is a real person. The existence of , rather than the empty twisted body.

Then the answer is obvious.

"To—to survive!"

Amakusa Shiro was speechless for a long time, as if he couldn't take it anymore, he shouted angrily:

"You are here, what are you talking about? Obviously, you can live without fighting, right? You can gain eternal life, just at home, drinking hot tea, watching TV, and waiting for the Great Holy Grail to tour the world. Don't Speaking of you, even your fellow artificial humans can survive!"

"I'm talking about living, not living like this! What I'm talking about, what I'm talking about, is for myself, feeling real, alive, and really existing, not a living body that is moving like a walking dead Go on. Even artificial humans have the desire to live, and they also have the idea of ​​breaking away from the scope of artificial humans and becoming real people.”

Yes, not bad.

That's what I really think.

That is the instinctive objection after hearing the other party's words.

At this moment, she is not fighting because of assassin or ruler, nor is she fighting for fellow man-made humans, just for one point——

That is to let oneself have the real sense of living and fight!

"Ridiculous, boring."

Amakusa Shiro's face was very ugly.

"I can't comprehend words like what exists. Since it wasn't made by the Einzbern family, isn't your brain logic still clear? Really—to live... My Great Holy Grail is to let everyone not use it It was made to worry about living." Amakusa Shiro held the sword in his hand tightly, and then pulled it out, "It is because I understand the pain of death that I let human beings be saved in this way!"

Joan looked at Chigurh suspiciously.

To survive?

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