She put her hand on Assassin's too.

"But before that, I have something to tell you."

Assassin's face was full of surprise.


But he quickly regained his composure.

"I like you."

Assassin smiled helplessly for a while, and took her hand.

"Then let's go."

"Go and see the outside world."

Author's message:

The volume of FA is finally finished.Although it is not satisfactory, and there are various collapses in the middle, at least it is finished.The next volume is to go back to Mo Yi to solve the situation in Miyu's world.

⑥The World of Maui Miyu Continued

Chapter 1 There is big news right after I come back

After handing the Holy Grail to Archer, Shirou watched Alaya and Archer leave.

"Goodbye. It's best not to see you again." Shirou looked at Alaya with disgust.

I saw Alaya giving Shirou a pitiful look.Alaya, who would usually refute Shirou, sighed at this moment, as if he was saying that he could do it himself.

But Shirou didn't know it, and was still wondering why the other party's behavior was so weird.

Is it transsexual?

Shirou, completely unaware of the approaching danger, sat on the cushion at home, didn't even want to watch TV, didn't want to play on the computer, just wanted to be a wild salted fish with peace of mind.

After working so long, it's time to take a break.

"Senior, it's been really hard work." Sakura narrowed her eyes and showed a peaceful smile.


Shirou stretched his waist, ready to rest for a while.

"I'm really tired."

"After all, you can talk about so many love affairs in a Holy Grail War, but senior is really a bulldozer."

"Shi...? Huh?"

Shirou didn't react for a while, but broke out in cold sweat.

It sounds like, why is there a sense of the end of the world?

He secretly glanced at Sakura's expression.

Very kind.

But the calm on the surface is a cover for the turbulent waves below.

Shirou always has an ominous premonition, could it be that Alaya told him?

"Alaya, you fucked me!"

Shirou trembled his hands, trying to divert the conflict, but Sakura's expression didn't seem to improve.

"What did senior do, exactly? How could there be such a big reaction? As a junior, Sakura is really, very, very curious. Curious about the specific process."

Shirou glanced at Illya, Miyu, and Kuro standing beside him, all looking at him with pity.

How desperate is this to sell his own brother!

"elder brother."

Miyu stepped forward.

"Beautiful tour!"

Shirou took her hand.

In this materialistic era, only Miyu's hands are a little...

"I've already bought paper money for you. After you go to that world, you must live a good life and don't do this kind of thing again."

Shirou was stunned.

what is happening?

The unknown is the greatest fear.

If you know the reason, you know what the enemy is.No matter how difficult or difficult it is, Shirou must create conditions to defeat the enemy.But now Shirou doesn't understand why Sakura is angry at all.

Shirou hurriedly appealed to the audience outside the stadium for help.

First of all, Arturia.

Arturia pursed her lips.

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