"Shirou, be lenient when you confess, and stricter when you resist. You tell your behavior in detail and apologize, and Sakura will definitely forgive... hey, at least when you leave, there won't be too much pain. "

As for this matter?

Where is the situation?

"That—" Shirou felt that he could still save him...


He bit the bullet, turned his gaze to Hercules, and begged this versatile, wise and courageous, unparalleled Hercules, who had a strong friendship with him—at least a brother in the trenches, he had to help Bar?

Besides, since he came back earlier than Shirou, he always knew something and had some way, right?

But Hercules turned his head away too.

Shirou could still read the pity and lament in his eyes.

God is killing me!

"Sakura, let me explain...for a moment?" Shirou stopped talking halfway through.

He didn't hear any convincing words.

And this is the standard thing to say when you are caught raped.

It's even more suspicious.

"Speaking of which, Miyu, didn't I ask you and Anjelica to compile the information of that world? How is the compilation going?"

I saw Sakura pulling out an unknown object from behind.

"Senior is very proficient in changing the subject, why are you so proficient?"

Facing Sakura who was getting closer and closer, Shirou who was sitting on the ground couldn't help shrinking back.

This feels a little bad.

"Sakura is still so pretty today." Shirou said with a smile.

"But in the eyes of seniors, I must not be as beautiful as Gilgamesh, right? I must not be as beautiful as Miss Jeanne Darke, that chaste saint?"

Shirou felt a little heartbroken that Sakura, who was usually gentle, would say such words at this moment.

But what she said was wrong.

What Shirou likes is not Joan of Arc, let alone Gilgamesh.

What he likes is Sakura.

That purple-haired, gentle girl.

"No." Shirou stood up and hugged Sakura.

"They are indeed beautiful and shining. But in my heart, you are more beautiful than them. Because I like you."

The sudden confession made Sakura suddenly blush.

The words that were originally prepared to tease Shirou froze.

"Previous, senior..."

Shirou blushed as he said that.

Many times it is really embarrassing to speak the truth.

But in this way, he couldn't help but succeed in attacking the base, and the hatchet was cracked!

What a joy.

I saw that Ilya, Miyu and Xiao Hei had subtle expressions on their faces.

Even Artoria couldn't bear to turn her head away.

Shirou, who was immersed in joy, suddenly calmed down.

This expression made him a little scared.

"Senior, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing." Shirou patted the back of her head.

There was only a muffled voice slowly coming from the side.

"Shirou Emiya..."

Gilgamesh jumped out from the side: "What did you just say?"

Although he didn't know why this guy appeared again, Shirou patted his chest without hesitation.

"I've always liked Sakura Matou. Sakura is prettier than you."

Gilgamesh, who was hit by Shirou's sudden words, simply took the medicine and returned to his adult form.

Doors, many doors, golden doors, suddenly opened.

"Hey, this is my house!"

"So what about your house? If you don't speak clearly, your house will be demolished. Make it up quickly, and if you can't make it up, I will hack you to death."

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