This is great news for Shirou, it's great to be on vacation.

There is no need to make up any reason, he also has a passport, and he is short of money for a quick trip.

So he projected some money, bought a plane ticket, and flew directly to London, England, in front of the Clock Tower without a visa.

He walked into the Clock Tower without hesitation, but Shirou was a little dazed after walking around in the Clock Tower.

At this time, the internal structure of the Needle Tower looks a little complicated.

How can I get to El-Melloi II's office?

He is a person from the Far East, who came to London, England from a long distance, and he is completely unfamiliar with the place now.

Especially the people here seem to be big bosses, nice to speak, and elegant - Shirou doesn't like being here at all, they are all a bunch of nobles, all of whom should be knocked down by the red sickle hammer .

Almost all of them are Westerners here, basically there are no Orientals here. They all maintain an elegant appearance and seem to be very busy.

They left Shirou standing there and ignored him.

——except for a man in a red suit with a mustache with a sense of age, who came to him and nodded gracefully.

Tohsaka Tokiomi straightened his sleeves, looked at Shirou's eyes full of confusion, and he was also from the Far East, and couldn't help feeling pity for him who looked confused.He felt that this red-haired child was like himself back then. He traveled thousands of miles to study at the Clock Needle Tower, but he was very lonely.

This reminded him of his lovely eldest daughter and second daughter, how are they doing?

"Hi lad, it looks like you need some help from me."

Seeing that someone finally came to help him, Shirou naturally wouldn't let this opportunity go so easily.

"Hello, how can I get to the office of El-Melloi II?"

Tosaka Tokiomi was taken aback for a moment, but then he felt very happy. The accent was from the Far Eastern region, and the content of the question

——Could it be that there is another disciple in the extreme east who is gifted in magic and can be found by El-Melloi II?

There is such a person in the Far East, and that is his daughter, Tohsaka Rin.

And feeling his conscience, he thinks that Sakura also has this potential, but after the mess of Matou's family, he still decided to let his second daughter live an ordinary and happy life.

He thought for a moment, and even a little bit wanted this young man to match his daughter Lalang.

Look at this young man.

That valiant heroic figure, that bright red hair, that handsome face.

Aside from seeming inelegant, it's pretty good.

No, this seems to be better, which probably means that he does not come from a family with a long heritage, but from a small family.This small family acquired a genius through exceptional luck.

Wouldn't it be flattering if such a genius were married?


Tohsaka Tokiomi coughed and nodded gracefully: "No hurry, I'll take you there myself."

Shirou said politely, "Why is that so embarrassing?"

"We are also from the Far East, so this is necessary." Tohsaka Tokiomi said calmly.

"By the way, what kind of magic are you good at?"

Tosaka Tokiomi was still a little curious about what kind of talent this young man had that made El-Melloi II, a majestic monarch, fall in love with him.He still couldn't help comparing his daughter with this young man, and finally asked.

"I'm right..." Shirou froze.

Where is he good at magic?Projection magic is also from XJB.

But people have asked, and with such enthusiasm, it is not good not to answer, so he answered bravely, "I know a thing or two about projection magic."

Looking at the puzzled expression on the other side, Shirou quickly added: "I still have some ideas about strengthening magic."

Tohsaka Tokiomi was shocked anyway.

Can the basic things such as projection magic and strengthening magic also play tricks?Sure enough, he was not a monarch, but Weber Velvet was able to be regarded as a monarch by the El-Melloi family. The gap in vision was still too great.

At this time, he admired Shirou even more.

Before long, they reached the office of El Mello II.

Tokiomi knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

There was a sound of lack of energy, obviously overworked.

Shirou saw that the thick bags under the eyes and flowing long hair were El-Melloi II.

"Mr. Tokiomi, rare visitor, this..."

Tokiomi?Rin and Sakura's father?

Future father-in-law?

Shirou was suddenly dumbfounded. He remembered that he also visited the Tohsaka family during the Holy Grail War he participated in before, and the Patriarch he saw was a little different from this person.

But it seems somewhat similar.

Maybe it's more mature? (In my setting, fa Tokiomi's age was in the fourth battle, and this one has passed the fifth battle, so the one Shirou saw was ten years older than the previous one)

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