Shirou hurriedly introduced himself: "Hello, I am two days ago..."

El-Melloi II's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he even issued an order to expel Tokiomi.

"Mr. Tokiomi, thank you for bringing him, but I may not have time to talk to you now."

Tokiomi was also very savvy, nodded and left.

And seeing the performance of El-Melloi II, he strengthened his previous judgment even more.

This teenager's magical talent is extraordinary.

Weber, who was sitting in the office, looked at Shirou and suddenly smiled: "Tell me, what kind of magic are you good at? Do you have any magic problems?"

Seeing that he was hung up and played three sets, El-Melloi II decided to give Shirou a face.However, if Shirou's answer is wrong, he can only use the mercury maid to teach the child of the extreme east a lesson.

However, he still had some affection for the Far Easterners. During the Holy Grail War at that time, the middle-aged man with the spiky hair saved his life.

If he is lucky, he can rescue the teacher who is surrounded by black mud.

He couldn't help but sigh at the thought.

Just something slightly constructive...

"I know a thing or two about projection magic."

Projection magic?

Let's teach him a lesson, he's very busy!

Webb snapped his fingers.

After getting the permission, Reinis rushed over with the quicksilver maid, who was full of bad water.

"Accept the punishment! The man who hurt my brother's self-esteem!"

The mercury maid immediately turned into silver water.

A knife stood in the air, bent and twisted.

At this time, Shirou projected some sulfur powder by the way and sprinkled it on the quicksilver.

In this way, mercury can combine with sulfur to form HgS, so that it will not volatilize and poison people.

Shirou even admired his own wit.

El-Melloi II, who was about to smoke just now, was dumbfounded, and the cigarette fell to the ground, and the broken mercury maid ignored it.

All his attention was focused on the knife projected by Shirou.

The legendary witch, Medea's treasure, can break the talisman of all magic?

ask for leave again

The reason for asking for leave is the same as a few days ago, I still have a fever, and my stomach is very uncomfortable, sorry, dove.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck

Chapter 7 So Kong Ming Still Goes to Work

El-Melloi II pushed his black-rimmed glasses, improved his knowledge level, and used the discerning eye.

As soon as he used his discerning eye, he suddenly froze.

This person whose id is the twentieth generation Hassan, who doesn't know his real name, can actually project a treasure?

Reinis looked at the mercury maid who had turned into mercury sulfide on the ground, her expression was a bit complicated.

This country bumpkin who seemed to be from the Far East actually made her treasure that could easily kill countless magicians into such a shape with one knife.

She secretly remembered Shirou.

It seems that I can't beat it now, and I will come back when I have a chance.

"It seems that my brother's client this time is really powerful." Reinis teased, "I wonder what achievements you have?"

El-Melloi II glanced at Reinis, knowing that she must be thinking of some tricks again, but let her go, this red-haired Hassan should not be stressed at all.

"Record?" Shirou glanced at Reinis, then at El-Melloi II, "Is this your sister?"

"Forget it, right?"

Weber seemed to have a headache and covered his head.

"My dear brother, why don't you dare to admit it. Or..."

"Okay, Reynice, stop making trouble, you go out first. I want to talk to him."

If he can understand the matter of the transparent projection treasure, then his debt problem may be solved by more than half.

Reinis bowed gracefully: "Okay then, brother, and Mr. Client whose name I don't know yet."

Only Shirou and El-Melloi II were left in the office... and the substance that turned into mercury sulfide, also known as cinnabar.

El-Melloi II looked at Shirou in confusion, opened his mouth, but tried his best not to ask.

Shirou didn't know where to start. This is the land of steel, and it's displacement magic. There are indeed many things.

The atmosphere was once very delicate.

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