"Sneak in, assassinate (Wu Shuang), all in one go."

El-Melloi II looked as if he had seen a ghost, and quickly took out his magic props and dialed 110.

But Shirou's hand was faster, and Shirou, whose body was already at the same level as the servant, interrupted his movement and knocked him unconscious.

Flipping through the handwriting on El-Melloi II's book, Shirou boldly projected a note, leaving the content signed by El-Melloi II.

It probably means to ask for leave and go out for a period of time to do entrustment.

Then, Shirou jumped out of the window directly.

Dive in, done!

Author's message:

Sight recovery surgery failed. . . .It was burned to 40 degrees yesterday, and nothing tastes good for today's meal, and I feel stuffy

Chapter 8 what?Your surname is Wei Gong?

Tosaka Tokiomi did the math, he had already finished his lecture at the Clock Tower today, so he packed up his things and headed to the house he bought in London.

After the Fourth Holy Grail War, he had given up on things like root cause, because the Holy Grail was tainted.

And if it wasn't for the fact that Emiya Kiritsugu, the so-called magician killer, had almost changed his sex, he would have been saved if he could in the Holy Grail War, and his life would have been spent in that war, let alone come to London to teach as a lecturer.

Of course, the main lecture is gem magic, which he is good at.

Halfway through, Tokiomi suddenly found that he had forgotten about the red-haired boy.He obviously wanted to win him over, why did he leave now?

He turned and looked back——and saw Shirou... and El-Melloi II being carried on Shirou's shoulders.

Shirou, who was carrying El-Melloi II, was not afraid when he saw Tokiomi, and he didn't look like a criminal who was caught straight.


Tokiomi was upholding elegance, he was completely confused about the situation.

"Hello, this is..."

Seeing his future father-in-law, Shirou was relieved.He patted Tokiomi on the shoulder.

"Mr. Tokiomi, El-Melloi II will help me research some things now."

Looking at Shirou's appearance, Tokiomi was very restless and almost lost his elegance.

Originally, when he met Shirou, he thought he was a good young man, very upright, but he didn't expect to kidnap El-Melloi II, one of the Twelve Sovereigns! ?

If he hadn't taken El-Melloi II into consideration, Tokiomi would have made a move now.

"Should I go to your house and sit? I am a little tired standing up and carrying him, and he is not comfortable being carried."

Tokiomi could only nod gracefully.

It's not far from his home, and after a while, the three of them arrived at Tokiomi's home.

Aoi Tohsaka was stunned when she saw Shirou carrying El-Melloi II, but then she heard whispers in her ear.

"Aoi, later, you go and make a phone call with Miss Reinis and tell her that El-Melloi II has been kidnapped."

Aoi's face turned pale in an instant. El-Melloi II was really kidnapped?Moreover, the kidnapper came to their Tohsaka house in a big way, without knowing it at all.

But Aoi still held back, if she was exposed at this very moment, neither she nor Tokiomi would have a good time.

She held out her hand politely.


Shirou was going to shake hands immediately, but he was still carrying a person, so he had to put El-Melloi II on the sofa first, then wiped his hands, and held Aoi's hands.

"Yue, ah bah...Hello, Auntie. Auntie is a great beauty, Mr. Tokiomi is truly blessed."

Tokiomi trembled, and even wanted to look away from Shirou, but he held back the trembling and smiled.

"Where is it, my wife may be a little shy, which makes you laugh."

Shirou felt that his future father-in-law was good everywhere, but he always had to be too polite and elegant, so there was still a bit of a gap in communication.

Obviously, this future mother-in-law is wearing a cute onion-colored dress and a small white coat. Her face is very similar to her two daughters, especially her hair, which is almost exactly the same as Sakura except for the hair color. She also wears a pair of sandals, especially four A person in his teens is actually no different from a young beautiful girl in her twenties.

"Aoi, go prepare some tea for the guests."

Tokiomi ordered, but the meaning in the words was to tell Aoi to act quickly and call Reinis.

Aoi nodded quickly when she heard that, if El-Melloi II was kidnapped like this, she and Tokiomi would not be able to afford it.

"Don't be so troublesome, I just come to sit down and leave soon."

Shirou felt that this family was so polite. When he was sent by Alaya to fight the Holy Grail War, this family was also so polite. He also saw the cute Sakura and Rin, and the gems were sold very cheaply.

"How can this be done? Aoi, go buy a few oranges for the guests to eat, you must be thirsty and tired after walking like this for so long?" Tokiomi didn't dare to breathe.

There are still a lot of oranges at home, and there are many in the refrigerator. They still keep them at home.

The implication is already obvious, that is, let Aoi go out and call the police.

"Okay then, I'll go buy some oranges, you stay here, don't move around." Aoi hurriedly left, Tokiomi felt his heartbeat slow down quite a bit.

If it really doesn't work, as long as El-Melloi II is fine, if this strange-looking magician is really not working, then contact the magician killer in Fuyuki City, and the association will pay a lot of money to see if he can help.

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