Just as Aoi was about to leave, Shirou projected a few oranges.

"I said no. Oranges, don't they come out after a projection?"

Rao Tokiomi, who upholds elegance, was stunned.

Can you project such a complex substance as an orange?Are you going to project a Noble Phantasm later?

But the sophistication of the projection made him hold the orange, and even want to break it open and eat two bites.

Is this orange really projected?

This is just a little knowledge of projection magic, so there is no projection magic in the world, right?

Aoi who stayed by the side didn't know what to do, she was a little embarrassed standing there.

"Hurry up and buy it, Aoi. The projected tangerines are good for decoration, but you can't eat them..."

Shirou broke off the peel of the orange without saying a word, and ate the orange.

Tokiomi even wondered if Shirou made a mistake in this magic trick. In fact, he brought the oranges himself, and the magic he used was transfer.

"Auntie, sit down. The oranges I projected are delicious." Shirou pulled Aoi back abruptly, watched her peel the oranges, ate some, and let her go with a surprised expression.

For such a magician who is very strong in projection magic, Tokiomi would really like to communicate with him and win him over on a normal day, but at this moment, he really doesn't want to talk at all, and even wants to call the police .

"Speaking of which, your projection magic is really amazing."

Facing his future father-in-law, Shirou still dare not make mistakes.He cupped his hands.

"Know a thing or two, know a thing or two."

Tokiomi spat inwardly.

Know a thing or two?

If he has this level of projection magic, give him three years and he can be crowned.

But he didn't.

"It's good for young people to be humble, but don't be too modest. Presumably you came from some magic master?"

When Tokiomi saw this level of magic, he already understood that if Shirou really fought with him, he would definitely not be able to win. If this projection magic can reach this level, it is really too strong.

Moreover, the strong abdominal muscles and strong arms also told him that it is impossible to win even if it is a body fighting technique.

He is still going to write down his name and let His Majesty the Magician Killer assassinate this powerful magician.

"Not everyone in magic. I just come from a small family. Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Emiya Shirou."

Tokiomi turned pale with shock.

"What? Your surname is Wei Gong?"

Chapter 9 Sakura, my wife da (fog)!

"What? Your surname is Emiya?" Tokiomi remembered that he even wanted to let the magician killer assassinate Shirou just now, and immediately wanted to give himself some cold water to calm down.

The surname Emiya is extremely rare in Japan.

The surnames there are either related to places, nature, or positions.Tosaka Tokiomi really couldn't think of the meaning of the surname Emiya, other than guarding the palace.And this meaning determines that basically no one has this surname.

He only knew one person, and that was Emiya Kiritsugu.

Then if you know the second one whose surname is Wei Gong, it is most likely that the two are related.

"You, do you know Mr. Emiya Kiritsugu?"

Tokiomi struggled unwillingly.If this young man was the son of the magician killer, he would have no choice but to secretly help him out of conscience. After all, if El-Melloi II also knew that he was the son of the savior, he would definitely choose to forgive him.That's why this person doesn't look like that magician killer at all?

"Yes, he is my adoptive father, the one who adopted me back when Fuyuki was on fire. Do you know him?"

Tosaka Tokiomi understood, and patted Shirou on the shoulder: "Of course I did, that was ten years ago. He is a partner of justice, although that was once, but now he has given up, why do you..."

"I used to be too." Shirou sadly broke off another orange and handed one to Tokiomi, "But back then, for my sister, I left aside my righteous comrades and wore six dozen of them in the Holy Grail War overnight. , and almost died in the end. Now I can't bear it anymore, and I want to go back and save other people. There is a limit to human ability. I can't save everyone by myself. Now I only saved my sister, but how much Come a few, isn't it possible?"

After speaking, he looked at El-Melloi II.

Tokiomi looked at Shirou, he didn't treat him as an outsider anymore, anyway, this is also the son of his savior, he still has to repay this kindness.It's just a child, you are not a partner of justice, can you still abide by the laws and regulations, and don't tie people up.

What's more, it sounds like the situation is very complicated. Maybe after listening to his explanation, I can persuade and educate him by the way, so that he can release El-Melloi II.

"What's going on? Can you tell me?"

In Shirou's eyes, Tokiomi, who is already a future father-in-law (one?), Shirou still nodded and prepared to share the basic information.

"It's a bit complicated to say."

"Well. How should I put it? I believe it will be very complicated, otherwise you wouldn't..."

"That's right. That's a matter of the parallel world, where the source is exhausted and human beings are about to become extinct."

Tokiomi was about to nod his head and think about whether he could help solve the problem Shirou said, but he was just about to think when he heard Shirou say explosive news.

parallel world?

Great source exhausted?

Human extinction?

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