This is the first teacher Gem Weng Demon Dao Marshal Zellich has to glance at the next world in person, and the Magic King has to hold his nose when he encounters it.

It can't be saved, it can't be saved.

Seeing Tokiomi's expression, wanting to maintain elegance for a while, trying to dissuade him for a while, and finally put on a sad look, Shirou knew that he definitely wanted to persuade himself to give up.

But even if he gave up his dream of becoming a partner of justice, he still wants to save people, no matter what method he uses, he must save that world and save everyone there.

"It can be saved."

"Also, let's be sorry. This is really impossible."

"It can be saved!"

"Let El-Melloi II go back and let him have a good rest. He has been working so hard during this time."

"I don't think so. Yesterday, he was playing StarCraft." Shirou glanced at El-Melloi II who was pretending to be asleep, "Get up, Lord El-Melloi II."

"Have you been discovered?" El-Melloi II adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, sat up, and ate the orange.

The three of them just ate oranges for a while.

"Is it Emiya Shirou? It's Kiritsugu-san's child. As you said earlier... hey."

"You won't help me either, will you?"

"Then, do you think that the world you said can be saved? What's the reason?" El-Melloi II is going to listen to Shirou before making a decision. Even if he can't help him, it's good to see the world where the source is exhausted. The future Magic situation helps somewhat.

"Because the great source is exhausted unnaturally, it's obviously man-made. I don't think it's hopeless." Shirou saw that he was finally willing to listen to people's words, and began to explain, "That's probably the origin. about a thousand years ago. You'll have to ask another person for specifics."

"Okay, you have barely solved the first problem now. Then, how do you go to that parallel world, and how do you give me enough reward?" El-Melloi II didn't think Shirou could do these two things , "There are so many parallel worlds, how can you be sure that you will be able to reach that one?"

It's not that Shirou was unprepared, that was the collaboration between Angelica and Medea.Displacement magic is in a sense almost close to magic, and it has miraculous effects when used.

"Of course I have a way. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so confident in looking for you. Don't worry about that."

"—as for the reward."

"Iskandar, is that the servant you summoned in the Holy Grail War you participated in? Alexander the Great. Tsk tsk, do you want to see him?"

"What are you going to do?" El-Melloi II's heart was suddenly suspended. When Shirou talked about this topic, could there be a way to summon the servants?

"Guess, I'll tell you if I guess."

Shirou said deliberately, looking at El-Melloi II's expression with a wicked look.

But what made him feel uninterested was that El-Melloi II was not fooled at all, and he completely held back, as if he had experienced many battles.

"Well, your reward is indeed satisfactory to me. Since I owe your father favors and your reward is very generous, I have no reason not to go, but don't blame me even if you fail." El-Melloi II stood up , and walked out, "I'll go and pack my luggage first, and I'll be here soon."

Witnessing that a deal has been completed, Tokiomi finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The thing that could almost tear him down was finally settled properly, although he really didn't think that the world that Shirou said could be repaired.

"Elmero II, please go slowly."

He was relieved a lot when he saw that Shirou, a dangerous person, had escaped from the restricted range of terrorists.At any rate, Shirou is also a player of the Projection Noble Phantasm, so he has no problem in wooing him, except that his behavior seems a bit reckless, but he is upright.

For such a person, it shouldn't be too much of a problem for his daughter to entrust him.

Then he sat down, chatted with Shirou for a while, and talked about where Shirou lives now.Of course Shirou now lives in Fuyuki and is still in school.This surprised Tokiomi, after all his two daughters are also in Fuyuki, and they are still in the same school.

Thinking that they might know each other, he asked:

"Do you know a girl named Matou Sakura? She should be younger than you."

Shirou nodded his head.

Can you not recognize this?

"She is my girlfriend (wife)."

Chapter 10 Magic☆Merry's Tips

After hearing that Sakura was Shirou's girlfriend, Tokiomi took Shirou's hand and thanked Shirou all afternoon, and complained about Kariya's inconvenience in taking care of the child and insisting on taking care of her, etc., and finally gave Shirou a little He bowed and said thanks.

Seeing this, Aoi was taken aback for a while.

Shirou was more shocked than Aoi, cheated his daughter away, and was thanked. Is this a model for the new world?

One must know that Emiya Kiritsugu almost broke Shirou's leg when he heard about Illya.

Not long after, he was arranged to sleep at Yuansaka's house. The time was not so tight, and he would fly back tomorrow.

In this way, his task was perfectly completed. It turned out that it was so simple to capture El-Melloi II.

Turning off the light, lying on the bed, Shirou stretched his waist, closed his eyes, and when he was about to have a good sleep, he suddenly felt his eyes light up.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and found himself lying in the sea of ​​flowers, and saw a magician sitting among the flowers holding a magic wand.

His hair color is based on silver, but it is accompanied by other colors, his eyes are purple, his face is somewhat gorgeous, and it must be suitable for wearing women's clothes.

——For example, how to wear magical girl clothes.

"Although I let you in, you seem to be thinking very unreasonably."

The man smiled, and the joy revealed in that smile made Shirou very unhappy.

Why did he know one or two such pleasant people?Can we have more Wang Ha's unpleasant...

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