Chapter 19 Magical Romance

Once upon a time, there was a crowned caster, who was summoned with the last ring he entrusted to future generations as a holy relic, and swept the Holy Grail War.In the end, he fulfilled his wish and became a real human being.

He is the omnipotent king who sees everything, so life is very boring and boring.

He has no motivation in his life, he is only working to fulfill the task given by the Lord.

The Holy Grail War gave him a new body, and he finally got the life he dreamed of.It takes hard work to be rewarded, the world is gray and needs to be explored.

But at the moment when he lost his clairvoyance, he saw the future of mankind, and resolutely chose to devote the rest of his life to saving humanity.

In the process, he lost his talent, his ability.

He is no longer a genius, so he works very busy to achieve the result of a genius's random work.He has been holding back, hiding his identity, just for the last moment.

It's just that in this process, mortals will also be tired.

In order to find comfort for his soul, he found an idol named Magic Meili on the Internet and became her fan.

As long as he has a little free time, he will go to Meili.

Although it is often insulting, but he really likes to see Mei Li's insulting!

But he really didn't expect that in the Crown Time Temple, Merlin, the old man, didn't know how to hide it. The last message actually said that he was going to update the homepage of Magic Meili!

In an instant, he felt that most of the fun in his life had disappeared.

The fun of life is gone!

"Stop talking, please!"

The white-haired man's voice trembled, and the surprise, remorse and anger in his eyes were a side that this almost calm man with a smile that made people want to be beaten had never shown.

The person who originally exuded a voice that was lazy and even made people want to beat him up, unexpectedly said such words at this time.

Shirou couldn't beat him, and he had no chance to face this man, but that didn't mean Shirou couldn't do some harm to this man.He decisively gave him a few extra knives.

"Magic Meili, Magical Meili, Magical Meili!"

The four characters "Magic Meili" are like a magic spell, turning into a sharp weapon for attack, hurting the white-haired man.

"Ahhhhhh——that shameful Crown Magician Merlin, what did he tell you?!!!!"

The astonishment of the white-haired man made Shirou very happy.

Finally found your flaw!

Shirou paused, and secretly glanced at the note to see if there were any follow-up big moves.What Merlin said, the tips that can kill the strongest enemy in this journey with one move, is really not deceiving me!

It seems that there is one more note, but the words shown now are concise and to the point.

Shout out to Magical Merry.

"Magic Melly!"

The white-haired man's face turned black: "Don't...say any more!"

Gilgamesh picked up the camera enthusiastically and took a few more photos.

She followed and waited for so long because Shirou took out Merlin's bag and saw Solomon like this.

"Solomon, you, a lazy king, still have today." Gilgamesh teased, the joyful expression on his face was completely undisguised.

"Mei-Lin-!" Solomon wailed while covering his face, "That shameful crowned magician!"

Solomon, the great crowned caster, made his most heroic choice at the end of his life, leaving behind an indelible stain on his life.

That is, a dignified crown caster with a clairvoyant EX rank was actually deceived by Merlin with a virtual Internet idol for the rest of his life.

That's right, that was the whole life he lived as a normal human being, and he was completely played by Merlin in the applause. It was only when he was about to die that he realized that the idol he had liked for so long was actually run by Merlin.

While Gilgamesh was having fun, Shirou poked her in the back.

"Is he Solomon?"

"Yes, it's Solomon." Gilgamesh nodded, "A shameful crowned caster. Even now, he's being played by Merlin. Is this the result of losing the clairvoyant ex?"

"Isn't he dead?" Shirou remembered what Gudazi had told him, and felt that he was really alive.

Solomon, after abandoning his human body, regained that spirit base.Facing his former familiar, facing the Crown Temple of Time, he used his first treasure and sent himself and Getia to the sky.

Now it's resurrected?

"You seem to know about me?" Solomon returned to his original appearance and looked at Shirou in surprise.He originally thought that no one would know him when he came to this world, except Gilgamesh.

"Yeah, Gudazi told me. I met her once. If I remember correctly, your human name should be Romani Archman? Gudazi often calls you a doctor?"

Solomon nodded excitedly: "Gudazi? Are you her friend?"

"Probably." Shirou was silent for a while, feeling that the situation was a bit subtle.

Solomon was overjoyed to hear the news of Gudazi here.He has made a decision.

"It may be inconvenient to talk to you in this posture. I'd better change back to another one. I like that one better."

After finishing speaking, Solomon's skin turned white a lot, and the robe on his body became long like a doctor's. Although his hair was still long, it was much shorter and pink.

"Magic Solomon?" Shirou's eyes widened. Can this person transform?

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