"Or, the magic doctor?"

When Roman heard Shirou's complaints, his face was very embarrassed, and he scratched his head: "Can you stop talking about this matter."

"However, your transformation like this really makes people feel very similar." Shirou couldn't help complaining.

Roman gave up struggling.

It is meaningless to argue like this, it is better to touch more fish.

"The battle situation has suddenly become more subtle." Ilya looked at the few people who were chatting happily.

"Thanks to Merlin?" Shirou rubbed his chin, at least now we can still have a good talk with the other party.

"Merlin—hey, forget it, let him go this time..."

Unconsciously, he looked at Shirou carefully.

He suddenly discovered that Shirou and Gudazi are a bit similar, especially the hair color, the familiar style of complaining, and the fact that he knows Gudazi——

"Excuse me, what's your name?"

"Shirou Emiya."


——What a familiar surname.

"You, so you are Gudazi's father?!"

Chapter 20 Strawberry Cake

"You, so you are Gudazi's father?"

Magic Roman said so.

But these astonishing words frightened Shirou half to death.

"You can talk nonsense, ah bah, you can't talk nonsense!"

Shirou is clear.Gudazi is indeed her own daughter, even though it is said to be a daughter born in a parallel world, or even an existence earlier than her own birth time.But the real DNA test, this is also his daughter!

It's just that Roman didn't seem to hear Shirou's words at all, and continued to ask in a very KY way: "I don't know who Rin Tohsaka is?"

Hearing this, Shirou couldn't help but look back at the people behind him.

Sakura's face turned dark all of a sudden.

When Roman asked about Tohsaka Rin, Sakura knew that the senior had a child, but it was not her own.

Shirou hurried over and explained: "Sakura, it's not what you imagined..."

This sounds like a scumbag.

Shirou realized this.

Life is not long!

"When I'm done with the matter, I'll do as you please. But at least let me live until the matter is over."

"Then, I will wait for Senior's explanation."

Staring at Roman, Shirou said resentfully: "I suspect you are taking revenge on me, no, you must be taking revenge on me, because of the magic Meili."

But before Roman could say anything more, Shirou started talking about things in this world.

"Is there no chance of saving this world? Even if it is, it's okay to continue your life."

Roman sighed: "I'll call you Shirou. I want to ask you, is there any chance for an old man who is seriously ill to survive? Even if there is, then one year, or two years , is there any point?"

At this moment, he found Shirou staring at him.

Been staring at it since the beginning.

That look is like Gu Dazi trying to save Renli.

Roman's heart softened. Since he experienced human life, he is no longer like Solomon before, who can look at all deaths in the world indifferently.

"What else did that guy Merlin tell you?"

"He gave me a kit." Shirou took out the paper from the kit, there were two layers in total.

The first floor says Magical Merry.

The second layer is a blank sheet of paper with nothing on it.

But Shirou was sure that this was not nothing, because after Roman took the blank paper, his face became very exciting.

All of a sudden, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple changed completely.

Shirou speculated a little bit about why he couldn't see it just now—probably because the white paper had undergone certain magical operations, so he couldn't see it.

"Merlin really proposed a price that I can't refuse." Roman seemed a little discouraged. He was actually regarded as dead by Merlin. Would he be squeezed out of his current value?

"What's written on it?" Shirou asked curiously.

"Look for yourself." Roman handed it back to Shirou.

Words appear on the note again, which seems to be what Shirou speculated, as long as he uses magic to solve the riddle, the original information on it can be given out.

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