Shirou glanced at it twice, and was immediately startled.

To Meili's only fan:

Solomon, or Romani Archman, but anyway, I'm glad to see you back.I finally have the motivation to continue to operate Magic Meili's homepage.And recently I have also found a suitable actor for Magic Meili, who is definitely very good, and the conditions in Chaldea are also very good. As long as people watch it, I can prepare to shoot. But, the premise is that you have to do me this favor. When you read this letter, you should know what to do.Gudazi and I will wait for you in Chaldea.


Shirou was very surprised and took out a photo from the piece of paper.

He didn't even know how the photo was hidden.

But when he saw the person in the photo, Shirou wanted to catch the scammer and beat him up.

Silver and flowing hair, the corners of the mouth turned up, and the red wand and pink clothes.

Also put on a cute poss.

This is clearly Illya!Just changed the eye color to purple!

Old thief Merlin!


Roman, who was sitting at the Mapo Tofu shop, scratched his hair in depression.

Even if he is the magic king, he can't think of how to save this great source from being exhausted.

It can't be saved, it can't be saved, just wait for death.

What's more, in his opinion, this world is regarded as a belt of rumors, and doing so is completely against pan-human history, and it can even be said to be a betrayal of Gudazi's efforts for so long.

"Do you want mapo tofu? How much?" Kotomine Kirei was making mapo tofu with a turban tied on his head.

Roman was silent for a while.

"Here, can I have mapo tofu?"

"My family is the only restaurant around here." Kotomine Kirei shook his head regretfully, "So, if you want to eat, why don't you eat some mapo tofu?"

Roman covered his mouth and turned his head away.

"This... It's better not to. I have eaten too much these days. Although the taste is good, it will also make me tired."

Kotomine Kirei made some mapo tofu in disappointment: "Even you, is it hard to escape this vulgar fate? Mapo tofu is my life. People can live without drinking water, but they can't stop eating mapo tofu." .”

Shirou couldn't help looking at Roman with pity: "Doctor, have you been eating mapo tofu since you came here?"

Roman nodded with difficulty.

"It's been so long, have you ever eaten something you like?"

"Speaking of which, it's really... no."

"I heard that you like strawberry cake?"

"Yes. Did you listen to what Gudazi said?" Roman's eyes lit up a little.It seems that as long as Gudazi is discussed, he will be in high spirits.

Shirou simply projected a strawberry cake: "Eat it, although it is projected, it should be edible."

Roman looked at Shirou in surprise: "Can you eat the projected one?"

Shirou said earnestly: "As long as the magic power is enough, the projection can be eaten. You have to believe in the projection technology of the Emiya family. I can project a treasure, just a strawberry cake."

Roman took a few mouthfuls suspiciously.

Then he swallowed the strawberry cake into his stomach like a gulp.

In this materialistic age, only this strawberry cake can warm people's hearts

"I haven't had a strawberry shortcake since Chaldea got blown up by that Rafe guy a little over a year ago. Today I finally got one of my few wishes and found some long-lost fun The two parts of happiness added together, really... if there is no shame in Merlin, the crowned magician."

He took another bite of the cake, and a thread of thought popped out of his mind.

He frowned, thinking about it, probably talking about this situation.

"Here, do you have any, amazing, computer-savvy friends?"

Chapter 21 The Moon Landing Plan!

Computer-savvy friends.When talking about this Shirou, one person popped into his mind.

"Be proficient in computers, what do you want to do?" Shirou asked.Didn't they just talk about the exhaustion of the great source?

"Computers are a good thing. Modern magic should also be in great demand for that, right?" Roman made a gesture, but he didn't want to say the real reason.

"Perhaps. This is the domain of El-Melloi II."

"Yeah, a lot of computers have been added to the modern magic department, just to combine with magic, and the analysis required before projecting magic is also very demanding for computers..." As soon as El-Melloi II talked about this topic, he said At the beginning, he talked eloquently about his modern magic subject, and he meant to attract Shirou.

Probably because Shirou's projection magic is too scary.

But Shirou didn't want to hear that, he just wanted to know why Roman asked him about his computer-savvy friend.

The level of Roman's diversion is really high, and Shirou knew that he had to use some big moves to get Roman to go back to the original topic.

"Dr. Roman, I'm curious. Gudazi said before that you seem to have died. After seeing you dead, Gudazi was so angry that he took her schoolgirl's shield and hammered Gaitia to death. She was so sad when she told me about it, and kept saying that you were dead, and even the coffin boards were nailed to death. How did you come back to life?"

Roman's face suddenly became embarrassed.

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