"This, don't say, don't say."

Can't say?

Is there a ghost?

But Merlin's bag of tricks seems to have ensured that the person standing in front of Shirou is indeed Solomon, and the human form is Romani Akiman, not Gaetia or something disguised as him .

"Could it be that you are not the real Solomon?" Shirou started fishing, "but someone pretending to be him, such as Gaetia or something? Gudazi was deceived once, I have to learn a lesson .”

Shirou firmly believed that attacking the gentle man in front of him in this way would definitely show his feet.

Although this is a little sorry for this person with a very gentle voice, but that is something that can't be helped.Since the other party wanted to drag his friend who couldn't use magic into the water, Shirou had no choice but to see if the other party had any malicious intentions—the circle was a bit big.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—do you want to know this kind of thing so much?" Roman lay down on the table sadly, "Actually, Solomon's statement should be wrong. After Solomon used the No. [-] Noble Phantasm, Solomon This existence is indeed death. But I survived, so I cannot be regarded as Solomon. Well, how should I put it? It should be regarded as a combination of what is left of Gaetia and the body that originally made a wish with the Holy Grail. Myself Sometimes there will be confusion about one's own identity... so you can call me Roman. Although I can't be regarded as the real Solomon, I should be regarded as Roman's."

Shirou nodded, since this is good.

Seeing Tuqiongdagger, Shirou took the bayonet.

"So why are you asking me if I have friends who are computer-savvy?"

"Well, why do you still go back to this question? Speaking of which, I hope you don't have such a friend."

"But I have."

Roman was very discouraged and lowered his head: "If possible, I don't want you to go to that point. There is a way to restore Dayuan, but I don't know it, but I know that there are things that can be deduced, and Dayuan can be deduced. The method of recovery. And Illya-chan is a magician, with infinite magic power and extremely high magic power output, as long as you know the way to realize it, basically your wish can come true."

"Then why do you want to stop me? I think this method should work." Shirou looked at Roman puzzled.

Roman's expression was a little tangled.

It was because it seemed feasible that he understood that it could not go.

"No matter what, I want to stop you. Because what I said was only a theoretical possibility, and for this theoretical possibility, the price I paid was... Forget it, even if I said that, you You won't give up, right? I just need to tell you that the enemy you will face in the end will be very powerful, and it will be very difficult for you to resist people who have reached the realm of enlightenment." Roman stopped struggling, sighed, "But it just so happens that I need you there too. Your victory means a lot to me, too."

"Doctor, you really understand me." Shirou nodded approvingly, "Since you love me, please tell me the method."

If the price to pay is life is so simple, Shirou will probably pay without hesitation, as long as there is something in return.

"Are they really father and daughter?" Roman covered his face and patted his cheek, "Since it's decided, I'll make a good plan for you. After all, this is my fault as the commander of Chaldea. .You remember what I said earlier about the Lost Belt concept?"

The Lost Belt is a parallel world that is hostile to the pan-human history. Because of its particularity, as long as it survives, it is a threat to the pan-human history.

This is why Roman is going to destroy the world altogether.

"The Lost Belt, um, I remember. I'm curious, if this world is really preserved, what will be the impact on panhuman history?"

"That's what I'm going to talk about." Roman nodded. "Generally speaking, the Lost Belt is an incorrect branch. The sooner you die, the better for pan-human history. But this is the general situation."

Where there are normal situations, there will be abnormal situations.

"It is possible for the Lostbelt to be reclassified into panhuman history. As long as the Lostbelt doesn't deviate so far, and as long as your approach is in line with the wishes of the suppression force, then there is even a point in making the matter of the Lostbelt restoration a codification matter possible."

Shirou looked shocked.

And this kind of operation?

Editing matters can still be decided by people themselves?

"There is a precedent for this." Roman gave an example to support his statement, "The country on the other side was doomed, but someone changed his fate against the sky and completely wiped out all the gods in his country. In the Qing Dynasty, gods died on that continent, so that country was allowed to exist in this world, and even became a matter of codification.”

"It's really..." Shirou took a breath, but he quickly realized, "Then, if the world's source is restored, wouldn't it be..."

"Yes, it's exactly as you imagined. A certain person seems to have made a deep game for the future he wants."

Chapter 22 Shen Er: I want to go to the moon too!

Shen Erbai looked at the manuscript boredly, knocked back and forth on his computer, and finally clutched his head in pain.

A writer is the existence of connecting some weird things together with logic, and finally giving readers the expected and moving stories.Great writers have several magical properties.

First, the writing is lively and interesting, and readers just want to read it.

Second, they are always slow to update.

And a certain old thief with red hair was probably born to be such a writer.

The monster named Hercules, and the master who looks like his sister, but is actually his sister, have chased down the protagonist and his party to the grove, so how will the protagonist get out of trouble!

How to get out of trouble!

Shen Er picked up the pen, and even wanted to write a little bit, but he gave up the treatment with only [-] Chinese for his full score of [-].

Speaking of it, he is indeed a top student, and he is also the number one frequent visitor in Suiqunyuan Academy.

But these are all based on the premise that his science and English are excellent. His Chinese is undoubtedly the shortest board in the barrel theory, which seems to be too short to be invisible. part of the same.

His Chinese is hopeless, even if he is admitted to a good university in the future, he can't hide the fact that his Chinese is scum.

So, since he can't fill in this incomplete manuscript, let's wait for the old thief to fill in the update.

"Shiro Emiya! Come back and write your manuscript!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, take your time. There will be milk, and there will be bread." Shirou suddenly appeared next to Shinji, "Updates exist."

"I believe everything you say." Shinji rolled his eyes at Shirou.

Facing this kind of old thief who procrastinates, he absolutely cannot trust even a single punctuation mark!

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