He is going to participate in the Holy Grail War on the moon, and this guy Shinji seems to want to go with him?

Shirou turned around again.

"No, farewell, goodbye."

Shirou already has a little understanding of the Holy Grail War of the Moon.The Holy Grail War of one hundred and twenty-eight servants was a Holy Grail War that far surpassed the Red and Black Holy Grail War.In addition to not being able to sort out camps and not having to worry about personnel scheduling, the difficulty of this Holy Grail War is not ordinary.

You must win seven games in a row, there is no combination of vertical and horizontal, bloody killings, and only one person can survive - this is different from ordinary Holy Grail Wars. OK.As for the Holy Grail War of the Moon, because the supervisor is a computer, once participating in the war, only death or final victory can be withdrawn.

This is a hell that you don't want to participate in without a firm determination and a desire that must be fulfilled.

Under normal circumstances, Shirou used scenes from the Holy Grail War to scare Shinji, and Shinji promised to fuck off, and ran away trembling in fright.But it seems that Shinji is completely different this time.

He asked calmly:

"Weimiya, besides me, can you find someone who allows you to log into the mooncell?"

"Of course there is."

Yes, there really is.

Although the disciples of El-Melloi II are basically a group of people who are blind to modern technology, people who understand computers do exist, and Shirou knows them.This person is called Coles, who participated in the Holy Grail War as a member of the Thousand Worlds Tree family in the parallel world.

Shirou can't guarantee his skills, but at least he won't want to participate in this broken cup war like Shinji.

"But the first thing you thought of was me, right? I'm a master in the hacker world. It's better to find me than someone you don't know very well. Besides, that person you don't know very well, log in It’s another matter if you can’t climb up.”

Shirou turned his head, and there seemed to be a threat in those words.

"Shen Er, why do you want to go to the moon? If you don't die, you won't die. Don't you understand the reason?"

"Human curiosity is very strong. The progress of mankind is driven by curiosity." Shen Er put his hands together and lowered his head, "Weimiya, please! The moon is so big, I want to see it Look."

He quietly opened one eye, blinked, and acted cute.

It's fine if it's a girl, but Shinji is a man with a seaweed head, which makes Shirou want to beat him up.

Shirou stepped forward, shook his head, and the voice of his hand rang.

Shinji raised his head slightly, then shrank back.This voice sounds a little scary.If it comes down with a punch...

"Hey, hey, Emiya, don't!"

Shirou withdrew his hand.

"Next time you try to act cute maliciously, I'll do it for real."

He didn't even think about beating people. He always used a knife when he wanted to fight, and never used fists.

The use of Bajiquan, of course, must be left to Ms. Tohsaka.

"Shen Er, it's okay to satisfy your curiosity, but you absolutely can't participate by yourself. Now that you know everything, it shouldn't be a problem for you to use your hacking skills to watch it?"



"Hmmmmmm! Of course there is no problem, this way can barely satisfy my curiosity."

Shinji smiled under Shirou's threat.

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't let him die for no reason.

This Shen Er is his good friend, not comparable to those other scumbag versions of Shen Er.

"Then it's settled."

Shinji turned on the computer and tapped on the keyboard.


A few hours later, Shirou fell into a deep sleep on the bed with Shinji next to him.



Shen Er bit his finger, watching the information displayed on the computer come one after another.His hands were clacking on the keyboard, but the final interviews turned out to be errors.

"Brother, don't worry, drink some water." Sakura took a glass of water to Shinji who was operating the computer.

"No, no, no. Sure enough, mooncell is more powerful than I imagined."

Sakura didn't dare to breathe, she looked at the computer screen, but she couldn't understand the information on the computer screen at all.

"Matou-san, is there no way to connect to the monitoring?" Artoria sat upright, her brows furrowed.

"I can't connect. The computer of mooncell is completely beyond the generation, and the computing level is not at the same order of magnitude as our computer. Just relying on data flow attacks, my computer is likely to crash. But in fact The technical level of the people who operate the mooncell is higher than I imagined, surpassing the modern level by at least [-] years."

Shinji rubbed his temples, then picked up the chocolate next to the computer monitor and ate a piece.

"Off-site assistance is impossible."

Everyone looked at each other without speaking.The only sound left in the room was the breathing of Shirou lying on the bed, and the continuous beeping of the alarm from the computer.The connection between the computer and the mooncell seems to be starting to break, and sometimes 404 will appear when accessing.

Shen Er had already anticipated this situation, and he was not surprised that he could not help.

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