He drank a glass of water and was very calm.

Rather, this is what he expected.

Closing his eyes, some unbearable scenes suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Sakura was abused, and he seemed to be an accomplice.

Only that guy Shirou would appear beside Sakura and bring her a ray of sunshine.

In that scene, why did I do such a thing?Is it because of something called magic?Really, strange.

What's the point of that kind of thing?Uncle Kariya was left with only one hand by the magic of the Matou family, his hair was gray, and his face became like that.

"Doctor Roman..." Sakura looked at him.

Roman came to take over the computer. He was actually very familiar with this thing, but the technology was not as good as Shen Er.

Shinji stood up, feeling dizzy.He shook it, looked at the sun again, and took a deep breath.

"Don't panic, Ms. Sakura. You have to trust Mr. Emiya, after all, he is...um..." Roman closed his mouth decisively.Just now Sakura almost got angry because of Gudazi's matter, if he hadn't explained in time, Shirou would have been hatcheted.

"That guy Emiya has nothing to believe. He ran to participate in the Holy Grail War for no reason, abandoned Sakura, and most importantly, he didn't call me." Shinji muttered.

"Brother?" Sakura opened her mouth, looking at Shinji with a complicated expression.

"But I can't ignore that guy. It's definitely not a trivial thing to make him risk his life like this. Most importantly, I can't make my sister a widow. After all, I am for Sakura, not for Emiya. That guy." Shinji brushed his hair.

"Doctor, let me go. I understand the situation of Mooncell."

Author's message:

Maybe it's a route where fe and ccc are mixed together...

Chapter 2 Fujimura Taiga?

The brightly lit classroom in the morning was full of students in the same uniform.

As usual, Kishinami Hakuno walked into the gate a few minutes before eight o'clock.

Just now she met a woman in a black and white nun costume, who claimed to be a teacher.However, it is obviously such a simple dress, but it makes people feel very charming and enchanting.Maybe this is the reason why a certain part is much bigger than itself?

It was very close to the time for class, and the desks were filled with people one after another. There was a lot of anger in the classroom, but there was always a sense of disobedience.

"Morning, Kishinami. Today you are stepping on the clock again."

"Yeah..." Kishinami said preemptively, but said casually, "I am addicted to the piecejournal. But unfortunately, I can't stand at the top and become the game champion. I can't be as powerful as a certain No. 2 Matou-kun. "

Matou Shinji opened his mouth, feeling blocked, he had no choice but to brush his hair: "Kishinami, you are still very self-aware. After all, we are also friends, and I will take you with me in the next game."

Kishiba glanced at Shinji and sighed silently.

He has said this kind of thing countless times, and now he has to repeat it.

Obviously he looks so good, and his academic performance and game level can be called his arrogant words-but he can't read words and expressions, and his speech is not good enough, so that although he is liked by many girls, there are also bad things behind him. less complaining.

"Speaking of which, have you heard the rumor on the piecejournal?"

Piecejournal, referred to as pj, is a huge European forum, and there are a lot of news on it, some are true and some are false.One of the more popular recently is something called the Holy Grail War.

Magician, with the Holy Grail that can grant any wish.

"I think that thing is really old-fashioned. I don't know who runs it, and I don't even know how to participate. Kishiba, even if the server is opened, I don't think many people will play it .I don’t think you want me to take you to play Holy Grail War, do you?”

Kishiba shook his head.

The Holy Grail War... the word is very familiar.

But what is it?

She suddenly felt a pain in her left hand, and red stripes appeared on her hand.

A figure in a white windbreaker and a red turban appeared in front of her eyes.

Obviously you can't forget, but why do you feel like you can't remember anything?

Just a little bit, just a little bit, and it will be remembered soon.

"But it sounds interesting, doesn't it? Any wish can come true."

A neutral voice came from a distance, and the sound of footsteps gradually approached.

Memory is interrupted.

Kishiba couldn't help sighing, and looked at the person who spoke—Leonardo.He is the young master of a well-known chaebol and also his good friend.

"Bai Ye, if it were you, what kind of wish would you like to realize?"


Even so, she didn't know how to respond.

There are many things she wants, but there are no wishes.A wish is something that human beings want to achieve no matter what, but they pray for it when they can't get it no matter what.

"No." She shook her head, "What I want, as long as I work hard, I should be able to achieve it."

"Really?" Shen Er raised his eyebrows, "I just said, what's so good about that kind of thing. Then Leo, what about you, do you have any desire to scare people?"

"Ah—wish, wish, I don't know. It seems that I transferred here because of some wish...Maybe I misremembered. Next time I'll ask brother Julius, don't look at him like that Son, maybe there will be interesting wishes."

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