"It makes sense. People who are very bored often have some unexpected ideas." Bai Ye nodded.

Shen Er looked at Leo, then at Bai Ye, scratched his head, with a anxious expression on his face.

"Yes, yes. Maybe his wish is to change the world." Leo agreed with Bai Ye's statement.

"Your brother drives a Rolls-Royce to and from school. Everyone dreams of changing the world? It's unbelievable. I thought people like you would want to make the world stand still."

"My brother is also very dreamy..."

"Hey, you two! According to the process, it should be my turn to be asked what is your wish?"

Bai Ye glanced at him.

"Facing the Asian game champion, your way of dealing with it is not right, right?!"

"Yes, then what is your wish?"

Shinji laughed in satisfaction, and mocked Bai Ye: "Ha, you really have no brains, Kishiba! As my friend, don't you even know such things? I only have one wish - that is to keep who A score that cannot be ignored! As No.2, I am so ambitious."

"Then let's talk about it after you become NO.1."

Shinji blushed.

"A mere white field..."

He argued: "Judgment, technology, and creativity, of course, are my victory! In my opinion, that player named Jinazi must be a useless cheating player! I will kick her away next week, Become the real NO.1!"

The class bell rang.

Bai Ye yawned.

"Class begins."

"Cut..." Shen Er returned to his seat sullenly.

Bai Ye began to rehearse the scene when his head teacher came to the classroom.

It was probably bluffing again, accompanied by the sound of beast-like footsteps.Often there is no bell, and the students can clearly understand the fact that the class has been attended.

And because the teacher's force value is extremely high, the students dare not make mistakes.

But until the door was opened, there was no sound.There was silence.

It was a completely unexpected unfolding, and the students in the classroom held their breath.

The one who appeared at the door and had already walked to the podium turned out to be a nun whom she had never seen in school.

About twenty-five years old.The eyes are gentle and pitiful.Even if it is not revealed elsewhere, the charm of women is enough to attract everyone.

But in Bai Ye's mind, this person still doesn't match that impression.

What is the name of my head teacher?

"Hi everyone, I'm Taihe Fujimura, and I'll be teaching at this academy from now on. Please give me your advice."

The person dressed like a tiger was immediately replaced by the nun in front of him. Bai Ye always felt that there was a lot of disobedience.

Is this person really Fujimura Taihe?

What is wrong?

Chapter 3 Mutation

After school, the bell rang.

Everyone was talking and laughing and slowly left the school.It was a daily life that never changed, and today will come to an end again.

Shen Er unexpectedly did not bother himself at this time.Bai Ye was also very content, enjoying the tranquility.

It just always feels like something is wrong.

"Fujimura Taiga, Fujimura Taiga..."

Bai Ye rubbed the center of his brows, a woman wearing a green skirt and clothes with tiger patterns seemed to pop out of his mind.Maybe he is already roaring now, saying that he is the big river.Tiger Dahe and Nun Dahe started a battle in their minds, and Nun Dahe was soon beaten by Tiger Dahe without any power to fight back.Just when Tiger Dahe was about to win, Sister Dahe changed into another appearance again, her clothes became revealing and she had two big horns on her head.Tiger Dahe suddenly dissolved and howled like metal meeting sulfuric acid.

This frightened Bai Ye into a shiver.

There seems to be a lot of confusion in the memory. Which one is real, the white nun or the yellow tiger?Or are both fake?Or is the world all fake?

Walking to the shoe cabinet, Bai Ye patted his cheek.She always felt that she was thinking too much.Such a thing as a brain in a vat might exist, and it's scary, but it can't be proven, so philosophers think about it now and then, but not all the time.

As usual, I prepared to change my shoes and leave, and it would be good to play the game that Shen Er said after school. After all, the ability of the game is also a part of everyone's competition here.It's just that Hakuno prefers to enjoy the game alone rather than compete with others.

The shoes have also been changed, and the schoolbag is on the shoulders.At this moment, a purple-haired girl fell to the ground with a plop, and even rolled around.That voice hurt Bai Ye, and he was still a little far away from her.

Such beautiful girls are often the obsessed objects of those handsome guys. Although the scene of the hero saving the beauty is bloody, it is very practical.Soon this purple-haired girl will be taken away by the boys and sent to the health room.

People were talking and laughing as they walked, the sound entered Bai Ye's ears, buzzing, buzzing, it was all sounds but she couldn't understand what these people were saying.

Everyone is right, this girl turned a blind eye?

"It's okay?" Bai Ye shouted loudly.

Some people turned their heads and looked at her with surprised expressions, as if they didn't understand her words.

Obviously there is a girl here who fell to the ground.What about those who hook up with girls on weekdays?

"can you hear my voice?"

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