The purple-haired girl was lying on the ground, her hair was soaked in sweat, and even flowed to the ground, her flushed face made one wonder if she had a fever.The ribbon on her hair trembled, her eyelids half-opened with effort, and even the luster of her pupils could hardly be seen.

"Can you see me?"

Bai Ye nodded, and touched the purple-haired girl's forehead.

Very hot.

"Stop talking, I'll take you to the health room."

Strange words——Is it because the fever is too high and the memory is not clear?That seemed serious enough.

Unprofessional health workers dare to judge.

If she is not sent to the health room, it seems that the girl is in danger.

"I'm Matou Sakura, a first-year student. I belong to the health room and are responsible for managing the health of all participants. Which unit are you in?"

Matou Sakura panted heavily, but still insisted on speaking clearly.

"I am Kishinami Hakuno from Class 2A."

Jian Tongying suddenly panicked, her half-opened eyes widened, and her words became hasty: "You, are you an ordinary student? No one in the student union can see me, and you... how come?"

This man is very strange.

Bai Ye felt sorry for the girl.

No one came forward to help. ——

But with her here, I don't have to be afraid.

"Can you stand up?"

Matou Sakura shook her head: "Sorry."

I saw Bai Ye took a deep breath, took his left hand from behind Matou Sakura, and hugged the girl's body with his right hand, a standard princess hug was completed.

Matou Sakura covered her face and revealed her eyes.

She felt her face was hot.

How embarrassing.But, so happy.

Just like the predecessors I have seen, it is reassuring.

"Your eyes look brighter. It seems that your face is getting hotter. I'd better send you to the health room as soon as possible. If the doctor treats you, you should recover soon."


Waiting in the health room, Bai Ye boiled some water.

Matou Sakura seems to be getting better soon.

"Do you want some water?" Bai Ye took a cup and handed it over.

"No need. Well, can I call you senior?"

Sakura Matou seemed embarrassed to ask.

Bai Ye nodded.

Matou Sakura picked up the medical kit and tied the bandage on Hakuno's left hand.

"It looks like your left hand is injured."

Bai Ye touched the back of his left hand.That red streak, like blood, but not like it.It seems to be something called a command spell, but what is it for?

She dealt with Matou Sakura's affairs for a while and then left the health room.

Suddenly, the severe pain made Bai Ye's forehead sweat profusely again.

Wake up, master.If you don't wake up, you have to disappear.

The pattern, the red pattern seems to be getting darker.

As if to disappear.

It was dark outside the window.

It's not that the sky turns cloudy when it rains.The scene with dense clouds and occasional lightning is still different from the present.

It was total darkness, and it seemed as if the outside world had disappeared.

The light was taken away, and the sudden darkness made Bai Ye a little flustered.

What does this have to do with the disappearance just now?

The radio rang.

"The time has reached a critical point. I would like to inform all living beings remaining in the school that the world you are familiar with is about to collapse. You are worthless, you are worthless, you are worthless."

What, what, what?


Bai Ye ran, looking for the person who was still there.

"Did you hear the radio?" a girl asked fearfully.

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