The muscles on the other boy's face were tense, and his brows were furrowed, but he tried his best to relax. He replied, "There are boys who went to the school building outside to see, don't worry too much."

The sound of footsteps came, completely chaotic, as if the sky was about to fall.

"They're back!"

Someone shouted happily, but the expressions of the two who came running were distorted, and their terrifying appearance made everyone's hearts chill.

"What happened outside the school building? Why is everything dark?"

"Help! Help me--!"

Someone came running from outside the school building, but it seemed to be useless.

The black shadow on the ground entangled him, just touching it, the man melted, the body and the shadow were intertwined, and strange white lines appeared on his face.Suddenly his face was broken.

Chapter 4 I, Shirou, come out!

No matter how you look at it, that weird black shadow will destroy everyone.With just a light touch, a person is disintegrated.

The dark area outside the school building turned out to be that the outside world no longer existed.As long as there is a shadow, any object will be easily broken down, right?

A few faint lights lit up in the window, some of which looked like tadpoles.

Obviously light makes people feel safe, but this flickering light in the dark is even more terrifying.

They are looking at the humans in the school building.

"I didn't know there was such a reset method!"

The decomposed man let out a final wail, but the sound died away midway.A black shadow wrapped around his mouth.His mouth dissolved, his pupils dilated, and utter death had come.

Seedlings of fear germinated in everyone's hearts.The black shadow is the fertilizer, growing the seedlings into towering trees.

kill you all.

Sombra conveyed such a message.

There was no sound, but everyone heard it in their hearts.

"Run away, run away!"

Someone yelled, and the first one ran away.But there were quite a few people behind, and they didn't respond, preventing him from leaving.

He was devoured by the shadow in despair.Why was he the one who died?Obviously he was going to be the first to escape.

After these words were shouted out, everyone tried their best to escape.

But originally these people were crowded together, and some even twisted their hands and feet together.The crowd was turbulent, and the black shadow was chasing after him.Finally, the people trampled together, and the crowd slowed down.The Tide of Shadows opened its mouth wide open.

The desperate wailing, the struggling students, and the black shadow who did not hesitate to execute them—that was judgment.

In purgatory, human nature finally gave out its final twist.The people at the back tried hard to use the fallen people in front as stumbling blocks, stretched out their hands and crawled over, but it was useless, their feet were swallowed.

Their eyes were full of pleading again, begging the people in front to drag them away.

It's just that under what they just did, no one can escape.

Bai Ye already understood the situation.

She was not far from these people, but at least she was not stopped by the crowd.

She could run away, but she didn't want them to be swallowed like this - it was horrible.

The black shadow devoured the crowd just now, and swooped over without hesitation.

Bai Ye turned his head and ran towards the place where the shadow was not there.

She can't save these people, and if she doesn't run away, she will die!

Where are you going?The only place to go is - upstairs?

Where is everyone else?

Shinji, Matou Sakura, Leo, are they safe?

Bai Ye stepped on the stairs step by step.Empty and empty.

Were all those people swallowed up?Why is no one here?

Obviously, if you take the stairs, you can live longer.

"Wow ah ah-"

A scream came from the stairs.

It was Shinji's voice.

"Bastard, rider, where have you been?"

Shinji's hands turned black, and his clothes turned pure black.Data cleared?

"Shen Er, I'm here to save you now! What about Leo and the others?" Bai Ye rushed towards Shen Er without hesitation.

Dark shadows surrounded Shinji, from outside the window.

Bai Ye finally knew that even if he walked the stairs, what should be swallowed would still be swallowed.

In other words, running like this is useless?

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