"I can't kill you anyway?" Bai Ye said calmly, "Then what you mean, that is to say, you don't feel very good if Kiara Seshoin does this."

"Of course, I thought, I, I..."

"Tell me, what is your relationship with Sakura Matou?" Hakuno put the knife on Shirou's neck.

Shirou thought for a while.

"I, um, hi, um, how should I put it?" As soon as Shirou said the word hi, Hakuno's eyes went wrong, and Shirou hurriedly shut up.

"Let's put it this way, in my impression, I have a junior who looks a bit like Sakura. Tell me, if I see my junior being kissed by a bad young man, will I rush to kill someone?"

Bai Ye nodded, there was some truth to his words.

"You just like Sakura, right?"

Shirou was taken aback.

Is this all seen?Although this is Sakura's vest, Shirou still can't see them separately.

To put it more simply -

He wants it all.

But of course he couldn't say that to Bai Ye.

"Well, I can't say that, I can only say that I care." Bai Ye's expression became more and more wrong, and Shirou hurriedly added, "Then you will be angry when you see me getting together with Saseiin, that's normal , but you can’t just like me, can you?”

Bai Ye's eyes were shining brightly.

"I like you."


Chapter 13


Shirou wiped his sweat.This convinced him.Although Shirou has very little experience in dating and is still a virgin, he still has a little understanding of women.

What Bai Ye said just now was very serious.


Shirou looked towards the corridor of the school building. The sun outside was very bright, but it was not an option to ignore it deliberately.

In order not to be annoyed by Hakuno and use the Command Seal, Shirou pretended that it was a joke... really it was a joke.

"Have you discussed it?" Shashengyuan asked, the smile in his eyes was very seductive.

Shirou pulled Saseiin over: "Take a step to speak."

Sesseiin, who was pulled away by Shirou, looked at Shirou suspiciously.They looked a little ambiguous like this, but in fact they were not hurting, even if they wanted to do something, they were too close to Bai Ye.

Shashengyuan couldn't help but feel a little pity, it's really not appropriate to start at this time.

"Mr. Archer, Hakuno-san is still watching."

Shirou looked at the seemingly innocent woman in front of him, who actually had the highest driving speed and mileage in the world, and touched his nose in embarrassment: "It has nothing to do with her watching. This is it, Miss Seseiin, Shu Can we not use the method of kissing to carry out the transfer in the same way?"


Seseiin looked at Shirou suspiciously, frowned, and asked in embarrassment: "When did I say that the transfer procedure needs to be performed by kissing?"

"Then why did you kiss Bai Ye? Isn't this the operation of the transfer technique?"

"That's the reward, or the price."

A smile curled up on the corner of Sacrifice's mouth.The red lips are very attractive, as if asking Shirou if he wants to pay the price.

Of course Shirou refused. Now that he kisses him, Shirou can directly play GG.

"That is to say, if you transfer the spell to Sakura, you don't have to do it?"

"Of course. You don't have to use the mouse to transmit the spell, you can also press Enter."

Saying this, Shirou felt a little relieved, and what he said made sense.

But when it came to the car, Shirou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.What does this, enter, mean?

"I still have to monitor your actions later."

"Okay." Seeing Shirou's distrust, Saseiin nodded, "Then do as Mr. Archer wants."

After walking around for a while, Hakuno and Shirou caught a few more wild masters.A girl named Jinazi, a dead house girl, except that she is not fat, fully fits all the characteristics of a dead house.Wearing glasses, hiding and playing games almost like autistic.However, he is really good at playing games. It is said that he is the number one in the world. Even Shen Er, who claims to be very good, has to be rubbed on the ground.The other is called Wo Teng, whose name is very strange, and the words on his mouth are all Buddhist Zen words.Shirou thought it would be more interesting for him to chat with Sesseiin.

Although Sashoin looks like a nun, but in Eastern terms, it should be a Bodhisattva?

Back in the student council room, Leo was amazed that Shirou and the others caught almost all the masters so quickly.He was about to change his view that Bai Ye was a handyman. This position was not suitable for her and Archer, so maybe he could be a cleaner.

"The transfer of the technique?" Leo thought about whether it was a big favor owed to the killing institute.

Borrowed money must be repaid, and even Leo, whose interest rate is as high as 10%, is very troubled by this.He has never borrowed money from others, only borrowed money from others.The favor of the killing institute is a bit big.

Seshoin was keenly aware of this, and quickly said: "This is not a precious thing, but I believe it is very useful. When I was on Earth, I often used this technique to find the gap in people's hearts, so that Heal each other."

Shirou secretly remembered one of the methods used by Seshoin to do things.

Use spells to get people's inner loopholes, so as to capture opponents.

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