"Then, is this useful for us to escape from the inner side of the moon?" Leo asked.

"Of course there is, time will tell."

Shaseiyuan seems to have the script in his hand, and he has the chance to win.

Shirou couldn't help but take another look, it was obviously...

"Then it's Sakura-san's job. The "secret" obtained by Hakuno-san, this technique can be passed to the shield to unlock the defense wall. If it is an advanced AI, I think it should be able to expand the function?"

Sakura pondered for a while with AI's built-in computing power, and came to a conclusion: "Yes, yes. If it can help everyone, I think it can be allowed as a special case."

"Then, Sakura-san will take over the remaining part of the Five-Stop Heart Concept. Giving it to Bai Ye-san is only a part. What you need to take over is the root of the art. This will cover your basic personality, is that okay? , Student Sakura."

Sakura shook her head.

If this kind of task is for the two seniors, she is still willing to do it.

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

So far so normal.

Sakura is also willing to accept the surgery.Although it seems a bit violent to cover the basic personality, and, forget it, it is an AI after all, not a real person, Shirou reluctantly endured it.

"Then——no, it's not very good here. Because you need to meet naked, go to the health room." Killing Yuan happily clapped his hands and licked his lips.

There was one more prey for her.Although it is not delicious in her aesthetics.

Big boobs only need her!

Hmm, still very, abnormal?

"Wait, wait!" Shirou stopped in front of Seshoin, "Didn't you agree not to kiss? Isn't that the price for passing the spell to Hakuno?"

"But that's a shortcut. What I'm giving now is the real client. If it's not naked, the data transmission will be very slow."

The transmission of formulas is the transmission of data.It can be said that the larger and more contacted data, the required transfer time and output and input ports must be large.

Shirou realized that he hadn't thought of this until now, he was too slow, he even thought of the car, and even forgot that this was an old driver.

Mistakes, missteps!

But now, Daju has already made up his mind, and at this point, he is really trapped in a cocoon, and he has trapped himself.

"Okay, okay. Senior, don't worry about me, there won't be any side effects, don't worry." Sakura comforted Shirou.

When Shirou felt a little melancholy, Seshoin took Sakura to the health room.

"Naked to see each other..." Leo sighed.

"Two lovely women..." Gawain raised his eyebrows.

"It's really interesting..." Bai Ye also added to this topic.

Sure enough, Bai Ye's true heart is actually an uncle?

Chapter 14 Sakura's Labyrinth

Shirou quietly leaned against the wall, trying to hear if there were any strange sounds coming from inside.

But there was nothing, any crazy or even fascinated sounds were not conveyed in this health room.

This health room may have a particularly good sound insulation effect, and it is more likely that there are not too many abnormalities inside.

No sound made Shirou very happy, and no sound made Shirou very disappointed.

There was no sound, which disappointed everyone present.

"There's no sound?" Hakuno poked Shirou's back, motioning him to step aside.Then she leaned against the wall, trying to find a sound.

But this is impossible, there is no sound of any kind.

"Why is there no sound?" Matou Shinji glanced at the health room, the door of the health room was closed, blocking everyone's sight, but the secret hidden in the secluded door was very tempting.

"Shinji, don't look at what you shouldn't see, don't listen to what you shouldn't hear." Shirou warned.

However, Shinji ignored it, and Shirou was still very excited, so he had no choice but to stand up and throw him out of the school building.

"It's really violent." Leo couldn't help but said, but there was no blame in his tone, "But, Archer, well done, this kind of thunderous gesture is totally not what a third-rate follower should have."

"I'm sorry. I still have the self-consciousness of a third-rate follower. Faced with Shen Er who doesn't want to work and wants to eat for free, I have to clean it up."

Shen Er crawled in resentfully, lying on the window sill, his eyes were full of sadness and lamentation.

"I just can't help you spy? The defense in MC is so tight, there's nothing I can do if I want to invade."

"But the result is the same. It's no different from not wanting to help. Mr. Gao Wen, please, please throw him down again."

Gao Wen looked at Shen Er with regret, and walked towards him slowly, making the Victory Revolving Sword in his hand shine brightly like the sun in grief.In an instant, Gao Guang approached Shen Er.


Shen Er screamed in fright, before the light touched him, he let go of his hand sadly and fell to the ground.

"Sure enough, Shen Er is still the same as before." Leo narrowed his eyes and laughed, "There is no master's stability at all, and he has a special sense of humor."

"Master, I think you are the same now. You are not stable at all. And Bai Ye and Archer-san, you don't stop my master, and take the opportunity to persuade him to do this kind of thing. He is just a child."

Shirou replied innocently, "But I'm not a child."

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