He had to win the Holy Grail War of the Moon.

And this secret may be in this maze.He'll find out here.

Leo knocked on the table and looked at the place where the maze was marked: "But the term unconfirmed domain is not cool at all, so I decided to name it Sakura's Labyrinth."

Sakura Labyrinth?

In other words, it can also be said that it is the field of Sakura, and they will explore this field later, which means...

Shirou immediately understood the connotation of this word, it was completely filthy.Leo, I didn't expect that you, a fifteen-year-old child, also learned to drive.And the person driving the car turned out to be Sakura!

But the expressions on everyone's faces didn't seem to change when they heard this word.Shirou decided to endure it first, and he couldn't tell if he was beaten back later.Maybe Leo himself doesn't understand what this means, Shirou persuaded himself.

"As for the only channel leading to the outside world, wouldn't it be more reliable to leave it to Leo and Gao Wen? Archer is a third-rate follower, and we may not be able to solve any dangers and difficulties." Bai Ye had some doubts. One member is already considered an alliance, so she asked this question bluntly.

After all, Shirou is now under the control of the restraint suit, and his experience points and skills are basically relegated to the environment. This is a very painful thing, but he has to accept it.And if Gao Wen can fight, it should be much easier to attack.

Leo knocked on the table, looked at the clear sky outside, and couldn't help but smiled wryly:

"In fact, I really want to do this. It is indeed better for me to come in person, but the night inside."

Hakuno didn't understand the word night, but Shirou already knew everything.

In the legend of Gao Wen, there is a saying that Gao Wen's power is three times stronger at night, as long as it is daytime, Gao Wen is invincible.

But this statement is not enough to be Leo's reason.

Triple Gawain is very strong, very strong, but in a double state, he is still a top servant, and he can almost completely despise the Holy Grail War of the Moon in battle.

"Just kidding, it's not actually the reason. Gao Wen is very strong, but we also need support. If there is a loophole in the support, we will lose everything.

In this mysterious field, I need to use the camera to observe Bai Ye at any time, and I will be forced to log out from here just in case.Anyway, I also believe that Archer is capable of tough frontal combat.But on the contrary, if it's support, Bai Ye, you probably don't have the ability in this area. "

Bai Ye couldn't help but nodded.

Shirou expressed deep regret.

It was very difficult for her, a person with average magician qualifications, to conclude a contract.Without electronic warfare and rear support capabilities, all she can do is look at Shirou and call 666.

It sounds miserable, but it's the truth.

It seems that you can't touch fish.

As a master, Hakuno is very good, he believes in his followers, and gives them the best help, but the magician is also at the same level as himself, and may even be lower.

At least he can still project, Bai Ye seems to really know nothing...

Leo breathed a sigh of relief.He wanted to open Wushuang, but it was too risky to think about Wushuang without information.Therefore, hiding behind and watching Shirou and Hakuno conquer the maze is considered a very safe approach.

The obvious card is Bai Ye, but the hole card is Gao Wen.

With such a combination, he is very sure that he can escape from the inner side of the moon.

"It's great to understand so quickly. The preparations here have been sorted out just now. The support will be carried out in the student council room. Please go to the cherry tree, Hakuno-san. Sakura will open the door."

Sakura nodded: "I will assist you. I have opened the door to the labyrinth with administrator authority."

"Above, please go to the school grounds, Sakura Labyrinth, the first intrusion mission begins. It is the so-called maiden voyage." Leo said with a wicked smile.

Shirou has confirmed that this guy really has the idea of ​​driving.


I have two knives in hand, I have the world.

Whoever is going to drive Ying's car will be sent to the hearse.

"Tell me. How do you want to die, be hacked to death by me, or be hacked to death by me, or be hacked to death by me?"

Chapter 16 Elizabeth Bathory

Sakura Labyrinth was finally renamed under the threat of Shirou, and changed to Leo's Labyrinth, because it was discovered by Leo.

Leo still succumbed in front of the double knives.No one will not bow their heads in the face of death.

Although Sakura didn't understand why Shirou would do this, she was still very happy that senior protected her.

Before leaving, she asked: "Please be careful. The maze is her domain. If you encounter it... please be absolutely, don't disobey."


Sakura was silent for a while, then shook her head: "Sorry, this is not something I can say, if you feel danger, please come back as soon as possible."

"Okay." Shirou gave an affirmative answer, which made Sakura smile, and then he and Hakuno walked into the maze.

——It feels like falling into a deep void.

Shirou and Hakuno stood in an unbelievable space after feeling drunk as if they were about to fall into a deep sleep.

The first thing that catches the eye is the setting sun sinking into the horizon and the spiers of the city.

The ground was invisible, and the road stretched like a thread stretching all around.

The wind blowing on the face was mixed with the smell of iron.

As if to pollute this beautiful scenery, the taste of blood that cannot be hidden.

It is almost impossible to maintain consciousness.

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