A signal disturbed the sleeping space, it was Leo.

"The signal has been confirmed. Can you hear it? Hakuno-san, this is the student council room. Right now, all the resources here are set to protect Hakuno-san's computer as the top priority. Although it is a domain, this is Tsukinosato On the other side, the 'world of nothing' made up of imaginary numbers. Observing the various values ​​that make up Hakuno-san here is also to prevent the meaning of Hakuno-san from collapsing."

Shirou and Hakuno were relieved by Leo's communication.

Although the feeling of being lost just now was only for a moment, the result, the collapse of meaning, is completely a more serious consequence than death.

But in other words, as long as Leo's signal and camera exist, they can continue to survive without any pressure.

Suddenly a black shadow passed by, making people feel terrified.

"What happened?" Shirou subconsciously stood in front of Bai Ye, took out his two knives, and watched the things in this space vigilantly.

However, it seems that there is nothing. Could it be that the black shadow misread it?

"Leo, can you see what's going on here? Can you see the black shadow just now?"

"Our camera went dark just now, what happened?"

"Can't you scan the situation there?" Shirou still didn't dare to relax his vigilance.In this space, the danger will be much more than he imagined.

Leo walked away without saying a word, and someone took over the communication.

Sakura manipulated the page and replied:

"We can't scan the Sakura Labyrinth from the student council room, but we can still measure the surrounding situation based on Kishinami-san's observation device. But we can't scan the situation just now, and the scan has not started just now."

Although Kuroko still cares a little bit, as long as the surroundings can be scanned, Shirou doesn't have to be so worried.

"What's going on around there?"

"Let me see."

After a while, Sakura found an abnormality: "The composition of the maze is the same as that of the domain, but there is a life reaction here, and it is the life reaction measured from the whole maze."

"Is the black shadow just now related to this?"

"It's possible." Sakura said uncertainly. After all, it was her first time exploring this maze, and she didn't know as much as Shirou and the others.

Julius on the side speculated: "Can there be a life reaction in the maze, can it be understood that someone entered the maze before us?"

Sakura denied: "Impossible, the door has just been made, and there will be no lifeforms that entered before, unless it is - something that existed in the labyrinth from the beginning, or a victim who did not escape to the old school building. "

Bai Ye couldn't help feeling sad, she recalled that in the old school building at that time, black shadows kept rushing, and the students were howling, but she had no way to save people, not even a single person.

"Master, are you listening? What Sakura said is very important."

Bai Ye came to his senses and turned his eyes to the monitor; "Archer, I'm listening."

Sakura continued: "That's probably the case, but it's strange that these life reactions can't read the id, and the memory address can't be found. The status of these life reactions is unknown. Can you see the map? The situation near Bai Ye can be read of."

Shirou let go of his raised heart now.

As long as you can see the enemy, then it doesn't matter.Go directly to A, with his strength, the enemy is basically dead.

There is a school building nearby, and the sun is almost setting.

The clock tower is a bit old, but it has a charm, it seems to be London.

After walking for a while, some wandering spherical things blocked Shirou.Shirou took out his two knives and slashed at them. These balls were chopped to death, and the other wandering balls flew away in fright.

This made Shirou even doubt whether these balls are intelligent.

But Shirou still dislikes himself for being weak now.

He was wearing a straitjacket before, which was equivalent to being washed, it was too painful.

"Leo, will you and Gawain be like this?"

After hearing the tragedy of Shirou's name washing, Leo almost didn't laugh out loud, and then said sadly: "Archer, you have encountered such a tragedy, but my Gawain is normal. Do you remember how to put it?"

"Well, it seems, I forgot. I even forgot my real name." Shirou lied against his will.

Even if the Unlimited Sword System binds hands and feet, as long as he has a mouth, he can release it.

Before long, they hit the bottom.

A door to be precise.

Shirou tries to blow up the door, but it doesn't seem to work.

The door is very strong, and I even want to have a few more fantasy collapses.

"We're starting to analyze here, eh, wait," Sakura was a little startled, she found that the security level of this door is very magical, it does not belong to the conventional classification of numbers or letters, "Is the security level an asterisk?"

Will the system be cute too?

Shirou couldn't help complaining inwardly.

"So the system is also cute?"

Bai Ye complained.

Suddenly, a burst of noise came, and Sakura's image tended to collapse.

Communications cut off?

"It's over here, it's really a tacit combination, a third-rate master and an equally third-rate servant."

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