Rin smiled, which was exactly what she wanted.

"Come on, Lancer, show him some color! Arrest Bai Ye, and make her kneel at our feet like the other arrested masters."

Such a queenly speech is not like the Rin Shirou knew.

Although they are all selfish, this one seems to be more irritable.

"It's been a long wait, then, let's start with a weak servant and use my gun to make you into a Bolognese pie!"

"However, this is very boring. It's not exciting to fight against an opponent who has dropped to such a level." Rin brushed his hair, and glanced at Bai Ye, but found that Bai Ye was looking at him, and quickly looked at him. elsewhere.

"Eh?" Elizabeth was very surprised.

"The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength. Tohsaka, I think you look down on people too much, don't you?" Shirou chuckled.

This guy is really a good old man.

Rin frowned, since this archer is so confident, she had no choice but to fulfill it.

"Hmph, is that so? Come on, lancer!"

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she said that the opponent was weak, she still knew that she had to face the enemy squarely.

The iron gun was spinning, blowing a whirlwind. It was the murder weapon that Elizabeth danced, the iron gun that ruthlessly wanted to kill people.

The ease just now was completely gone.

Shirou confronted Lancer, who exuded a much stronger aura than his own, but did not speak at all.

The two were already very close, and the distance of less than five meters was like nothing to the follower.

"Come on, I will give you a chance. I will allow you to attack me who is much stronger than you first." Lancer raised his head, provoking Shirou.

But Shirou still didn't speak, nor did he have the idea of ​​attacking.

He is waiting.

Bai Ye understood, so it was like this?

As the first battle of the restart, let's start with this.

"Archer, go!"

Shirou rushed forward suddenly, creating a gust of wind and waves, causing Hakuno to squint his eyes.

But immediately, she found that the two sides in the battle had turned into phantoms, and she could hardly see their movements clearly.

After a few clinking sounds and the sound of iron objects colliding, Shirou pulled his sword upwards, and Lancer grabbed it sideways, unable to launch an attack at all.

"You bastard, how could you be an archer! You must be a saber!" Elizabeth's hands trembled a little, and she was a little unable to exert strength in this position.

Obviously it can be said that her level is higher than the opponent, and she is obviously stronger in muscle strength, but why?Why was she suppressed instead?

Gao Wen watched the battle between the two in the student union room.

Just now, the confrontation between the two sides was only in the blink of an eye, but he saw it clearly.

"Swordsmanship in God's Domain? From a technical point of view, Lancer was completely suppressed by Archer. This is a lie, how could Archer know how to fight in melee, and relying on a lower ability to completely beat Lancer who is good at melee combat like this."

Leo couldn't help asking: "Are there no knights of the round table who are good at both bows and swords?"

"Yes, but Sir Tristan's sword skills are not as good as bow skills. Moreover, when summoned as an archer, the ability to use the bow will be strengthened, while the ability to use the sword will decrease..."

Seeing the two of them fighting, Rin was very anxious, likening his hand to a pistol.


A bullet made of dense mana rushed towards Shirou.

Shirou couldn't help frowning, this magic bullet can still cause a lot of damage even if he doesn't have high-level anti-magic power.

He has to get out of the way.

At this time, Rin's support ability as a master is fully reflected.

At the same time, Bai Ye could only stare blankly.

Elizabeth fiercely shot the gun at Shirou, completely out of order.

Shirou easily blocked these shots.

Elizabeth has no doubts that if the opponent's level is slightly higher, she will definitely be hacked to death by that big sword.

In this case, she can only see if her master can win first.

But to her surprise, Bai Ye rushed towards Rin without hesitation, as if he had a chance to win.

Chapter 19

Leo finally woke up after slowing down for a while.

Although the image went dark for a while, it quickly recovered through technical adjustments, but the nightmare is not over yet... In the image, there was a sound wave attack!

Even he had to lower his head, and then passed out.

Vaguely, he seemed to realize that someone was singing.But how is it possible?How can the song be so ugly?

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