After a while, Gao Wen covered his head in pain and asked, "Master, have you recovered?"

"It's recovered a bit." Leo shook his head, remembering what happened to Bai Ye, and quickly confirmed to Sakura, "Sakura, how is Bai Ye? If it doesn't work, log out forcibly."

Gao Wen looked at the video, wanting to confirm the situation, but he was a little surprised after a while.

Shirou, who has not recovered his strength at all, is evenly matched with Lancer from B+ to A rank.

"Swordsmanship of God's Domain is worthy of being Swordsmanship of God's Domain. Although the enemy's level is much higher, Archer..."

Thanks to the master's support, Shirou seemed to be at a disadvantage again, and the gun hit Shirou's sword, flying instantly.

Gao Wen immediately shut his mouth, thankful that Shirou didn't hear his words.

"Archer, go to hell with me!"

Elizabeth smiled, at the moment when she picked up Fei Shirou's weapon, she seemed to be sure of victory.

As a servant, she couldn't even hold her weapon firmly. Could it be that she won in such a situation?

Shirou's hand was raised by the dropped sword, and the door was wide open for a moment. As long as he is a qualified servant, he will never let go of such an opportunity, let alone Elizabeth who can be rated as B+ to A grade !

Elizabeth stabbed out the gun, and the blood groove on the black gun would undoubtedly allow the blood to flow out quickly.Draining the blood, even in the moon cell, is absolutely fatal.

It was a blow of ferocious thunder.

Just by looking at it, one can feel the power contained in it is enough to pierce Shirou's body.

That was completely different from the shooting against the Servant before, the attack just now.The attack just now was just for teasing and playing, and this attack was purely for killing people.

Aim at the target, is the heart!

"I won."

Elizabeth declared her victory, the black gun was less than half a meter away from Shirou.

I saw Shirou chanting: "Traceon!"

The swords returned to Shirou's hands, and the oncoming gun bounced away.

"You're really confident." Shirou taunted his opponent, and took a few steps back. "Sure enough, I'm more used to Japanese swords or double swords. I still can't handle European two-handed swords."

Elizabeth did not attack again, and she couldn't help being surprised that such a winning blow was blocked in this way.

That is to say, the perfect swordsmanship that she fought so hard just now turned out to be the result of Archer's unskilled weapons.

And what he was really familiar with was actually the humble pair of knives he was holding in his hand.

Why did you change the secondary weapon?

Elizabeth launched an attack again, but was blocked one by one by the two knives.In addition to defense, the double knife even has the potential to counterattack.

The two swords, one yin and one yang, are not as powerful as the treasure possessed by the dragon slaying hero just now.But in comparison, it is more difficult for her to break through the opponent's defense.

"You, have two weapons? And this is your trump card?"

Elizabeth asked tentatively.

Shirou smiled slightly: "How many? Maybe two, maybe hundreds, who knows?"

Lancer couldn't help being a little annoyed, or should I say, confused.

Servants often have only one Noble Phantasm, and some have more, but they often do not exceed single digits.

For example, the great fantasy sword, Heavenly Demon Lost Fall, this sword is Siegfried's exclusive treasure.That's why she ignored Shirou's class Archer and immediately treated him as Siegfried.And even if she knew that Archer was not Siegfried, she would also tacitly assume that this person had something to do with Siegfried.

But it seems that she guessed wrong again.

"who are you?"

Shirou spread his hands in a bit of embarrassment: "Are you going to ask my real name?"

Apparently, so.Elizabeth's eyes said so.

However, for a Servant, there is no doubt that her real name cannot be revealed, and she also understands this, so she has no expectations at all.

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you. After all, my real name..."

"It doesn't exist, so it's unmarked."

"I am a third-rate follower without a name."

Elizabeth rushed forward angrily.

What's the difference between that and didn't say?

Shirou raised the corner of his mouth, that's what he wanted.

The next thing to watch is the battle between the masters.

Bai Ye rushed towards Rin quickly, she seemed to be able to see something, and as long as this thing could be caught in her hand, she would be able to win.

Although she has no idea what it is.

Rin couldn't help being a little dazed when he saw Bai Ye who was bravely rushing forward, completely ignoring the difference in Master's quality.Who gave her the courage to challenge herself?

Although she does have the idea of ​​being merciful, is this really too much?

The purple magic bullet in her hand began to condense, and she decided to show Bai Ye some color.

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