Then Bai Ye went to find Ginako, Woteng, and Julius.

In the end, only Julius gave out 800sm as if he had been drained of all the money with a painful face.

It's just a drop in the bucket.

"800sm, even if it's exchanged into Japanese yen, it seems that you can't do much? You can buy some things in RMB or US dollars." Shirou walked around the school building in disappointment, hoping to find some people.

"Everyone has no money. Why are they so poor?"

Among the masters I know now, they are either monks, nuns, or killers, and others are dead houses.

"Landlords don't even have any food left these days." Shirou subconsciously avoided a wealthy Western European chaebol boss. That boss seemed very shrewd. , "Let's go buy some food and drink for the remaining 800sm."

"Don't you want to save it?" Bai Ye shook the money in his hand.

She still remembered Julius, the ruthless killer, taking out his last belongings with distressed appearance.The 800sm was borrowed only after the image of the character was about to collapse. It was simply too heavy, and she wanted to return it.But Julius rejected this.

"Let's forget it. See if the owner of the small shop recognizes him, and I'll see if I can blackmail him."

Shirou strode towards the canteen, ready to make a handsome appearance. If the store manager is a girl, he will use his female appearance to seduce the store manager. If it is a man, then he will also seduce him!

With a humiliating mentality, Shirou bit the bullet and walked forward with his chest up.

But when he was not far from the canteen, Shirou's face turned green.

why you?

Kotomine Kirei was dressed in the clothes of a clerk, showing a subtle smile: "Hmph, it looks like a customer, welcome, do you have any needs?"

Shirou waited for a while.

Then turn around and go back.

"No, nothing. Nothing happened. Excuse me. Excuse me."

"Archer, aren't we here to borrow money?" Hakuno pulled Shirou back, with the sincerity in his eyes that Shirou couldn't refuse.

If you sell yourself, you sell yourself!

"Father Yanfeng, I, I'm here to borrow money."

How humiliating!

"Borrowing money?" Kotomine Kirei tidied up the items in the store.

"Although it's not my turn to say, what is it like to borrow money from the clerk at the canteen as a person? Or is this also the so-called accidental nature of human beings? It's really pleasant. Although's a pity , only this I can do nothing about. Since ancient times, money has flowed into the store from customers, and there is no reason for it to come back. Just like time cannot flow backwards, money cannot flow backwards. Money is what customers should give me. This is the truth of the universe .”

"It's just that there is no money..." Shirou turned and left.

He couldn't chat with this person, so he slipped away.

"Wait, that servant."

Kotomine Kirei scrutinized Shirou for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"Happy, really happy. There's a pleasant aura about you. It's not impossible to borrow money. No, it's not borrowing money. If you sell something to me, it's not impossible for me to give you money."

Shirou was very vigilant, and asked, "Sell yourself instead of show, what do you want?"

"Your soul."

At this time, even Bai Ye couldn't accept such a humiliating condition: "If you don't borrow it, you don't borrow it, don't talk so much!"

"Is that so? That's really a pity." Kirei was very disappointed and continued to busy himself with his own affairs.

After walking out of the canteen, they circled around and returned to the original point.

Still no money.

It took them almost a day since they ran out of the field, however, the money they had saved was not enough to invest in one coin.

Tohsaka Rin may have a grudge against the fact that he blew up the hostile program in the first place, so he raised the price.Otherwise, he might have already saved a third of the price of the coin.

Do you want to work?

It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life!

While Shirou was thinking wildly, a boy came over.

"It seems that you are very distressed. Do you need to borrow money?"

Shirou shook his head habitually.

Capitalists are all vampires, it's unbelievable.

But they are at the end of their rope and have no money.

He gritted his teeth and nodded again.

"Really? Then 100000sm, is that enough?"

Ten, one hundred thousand! ?

Oil giants!Still say yes, so little?

Leo enjoyed the shocked eyes of Shirou and Hakuno, and threw out the next condition: "By the way, the interest is 20% every ten days."


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