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Chapter 23 Debt Collection Knight Gawain

On today's earth, technology has stagnated for 60 years.

Since 1970, human exploration of the world has slowed down, and countless human beings have died due to famine.Under such circumstances, the Western European plutocrats have almost held the economic lifelines of all countries on the planet in their own hands.

What Shirou suspects is that the Harvey family, a Western European chaebol, became so huge by relying on such high usury.

Every ten days, the SM borrowed by Shirou from Leo will increase by 1.2 times, and after one year, the interest rate will be 708 times.

and many more!In other words, you have to pay 7080 million a year?

Rounded up, that's [-] million!

too dark!

The great philosopher, socialist, thinker, Marx once said:

When capital comes to the world, from head to toe, blood and dirty things flow from every pore.

So apt.

Shirou looked at Leo with trembling hands.

When he returns to Earth, he must come to this world line to lead the world revolution and defeat the hateful chaebol.Eliminate the tyranny of capital!

Internaxional, it must be realized!

"Can I borrow [-] more?"

"Of course. Hakuno-san and Archer can borrow as much as they want. It is my wish to help Hakuno-san. Now we are companions."

Leo's words made people feel like a spring breeze, and even made people feel a little moved.

It's just that the interest rate is lower.

This even made Shirou change his evaluation of the evil capitalist a little bit.

"Thank you so much! You are such a good person! Boss!"

Leo showed a profiteer's smile, borrowing such a small amount of money is just a gap between his teeth for him.

"Speaking of which, Leo, why do you have so much money? If I remember well, Sakura seems to have said that the PT originally used on the surface side of the moon is not available on the inner side of the moon. The common one here is sm. "Bai Ye was thinking about the money in his hand. This heavy coin will become 708 times in one year in the future. It's just that Leo got 708 times that's all.

"In fact, my assets have shrunk to [-]% of the original. After I came here, in order to maintain my life, I can only sell some items on my body to the commissary, such as Saint Quartz and the like. Because It is illegal trafficking, my income is lower than expected, I am really poor now."

Can lend 150000sm at any time, is it the poor?

Shirou silently took Hakuno away, leaving behind Leo who silently lamented that he had become a poor man.

Back in Leo's domain, the terminal's screen is still on.

"Please insert 25000sm of coins."

The screen displays "The coin is inserted successfully, the enemy's level has dropped by 5 levels. Do you want to continue to insert the coin?"

In addition, there is a Rin villain icon in the lower left corner and her words.

Rin: Thank you for your patronage~

When I get stronger, I'll hack you to death!

Continue to coin.

Probably after all the money was spent, the level of the hostile program changed to level 40.

"Master, we are out of money." Shirou looked at his hands that no longer had 1sm, and projected a pair of swords with tears in his eyes.

"Come on, Archer! Don't worry about money, leave everything to me!" Hakuno looked at Shirou resolutely.

Shirou turned his back decisively, his eyes full of determination.

The hostile program in front of him is no longer a concern, but it cost Shirou a total of [-] sm.

There is no turning back.After defeating this enemy, he will earnestly work with Bai Ye to earn money.Even if he steals a battery car, he still has to support Bai Ye and pay off his debts.

"Three Crane Wings!"

Following a few lights and shadows, black and white sword lights surrounded the hostile program.

The fragmentation began to appear from the connecting seam in the middle of the hostile program, and it spread rapidly in a short while.

There are cracks on the surface, but the core is broken underneath.

Enemy program, break through!

Shirou felt a surge of power rushing out of his body.Although the hostile program has been downgraded, the performance is actually locked, and the real level is still 70.So, the experience that Shirou gets is the experience that monsters at level 70 would produce!

He's back to level 20 again!

Grinding his fists, Shirou smiled.

Tohsaka Rin, spit out all the 15 sm you got from here later!

Right at this moment-

"You've worked hard. You succeeded in defeating the gatekeeper enemy."

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