"Yes. Now our enemy is only Tohsaka Rin, but I think there must be something strange behind it." Shirou explained his thinking, "First of all, we are very familiar with Rin, and he will definitely not be a real enemy. In the game, at best It's a middle boss."

"so what?"

"So we have to go through Rin to find the big boss."


"If the big boss is a woman, I will seduce her with masculinity."

"What if it's a man?"

Hakuno looked at Shirou with the eyes of the dead fish.Why can't she go?Girls are at a disadvantage in this situation.

"That's why I came to tempt him!" Shirou said resolutely, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

Coming out is better than never returning to Earth.

Bai Ye was shocked.


She immediately stood up, danced and faltered and said: "No, Archer must not do this!"

Although the Wang Ha cover my shield is quite big, but standing up like this, it can't cover Bai Ye.Shirou hastened to pull her down so as not to be seen, but let Hakuno fall on top of him.

The situation becomes subtle at once. If this is Lifan, maybe the unfolding will be even more subtle.

"Ahem, after all, you are the master, so it's fine if you don't agree. Don't worry, there will always be a solution. Brother Shirou, have I ever lied to you?"

"Eh? Didn't you say you don't have a name, Archer?"

"Ahem, anyway, even if you work part-time, I will help you pay back the money." Shirou coughed, changed the subject silently, and quietly pushed Hakuno away, "Working is a servant's job, master Just wait patiently."

"Well. Then, can I ask you to help me when I walk?" A little star appeared in Bai Ye's eyes. Is the follower so omnipotent?It's amazing!

"This, let's forget it."


"Have you been run away? It's very rare, Gao Wenqing, this is not your style, you can't do such a thing as letting the enemy go?" Leo teased Gao Wen through the video, his eyes narrowed. A slit, seems very happy.

"It's my negligence." Gao Wen lowered his head slightly, "If the archer is summoned with the rank of assassin, it may be a more troublesome existence than the assassin (Li Shuwen) of Lord Julius. This breath conceals, There is absolutely no way to find out."

Leo nodded, expressing that he understood the situation: "Since this is the case, there is nothing you can do. You have tried your best. If you have nothing to do, come back first."

"It's just..." Gao Wen frowned.

"Huh? Gao Wenqing, do you have any opinions? Speak boldly, you know me too, and I won't blame you for your words."

Gao Wen nodded, sorted out his language, and boldly questioned Leo:

"Leo, I think you should know that Archer and Bai Ye lady borrowed money to defeat Tohsaka Rin. This is a necessary expenditure for the Raiders Lei, uh, domain. In this case, you borrow money Although it is not appropriate, it is reasonable, after all, this is your money. However, it is too much to press the debt. They will definitely spend all the money under your prediction, right? Why do you need to ask them so urgently? Debt? It can't be the reason why the [-]-day [-]% law you said is invalid. I don't think this reason is credible."

Leo corrected: "It's [-]% in ten days."

"I raised the interest rate by [-]% specifically for them, but I ignored that there is no time to flow here. Ah, really, how can I become the ideal ruler if I make such a mistake?" Leo rubbed his brows and sat down. Sitting on the chair, the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to completely refute what he said.

"Well, if you don't explain it, Gawain, you will definitely be dissatisfied, right? Although as the best knight, you will not disobey my orders, but it's better to talk first. ——What do you think of Archer's strength? "

Gao Wen commented: "Very strong. There is no restraint suit to limit his level and ability. I believe that even under the sun, I can only be [-]/[-] with him."

"Your evaluation of him is unexpectedly high." Leo touched his chin, "Well, my guess is probably the same. In time, as long as he recovers his strength, he will definitely be able to at least reach your level. Are you Basically, everyone knows my hole cards. In this case, the hole cards are the obvious cards. However, if the cards that are really placed on the face are the hole cards..."

"But he has already put it on the bright side." Gawain interrupted Leo.

"Well, it's really good. Do you still remember that after coming to the inner side of the moon, my brother was not sure about his rank at all, so he asked a cook to test him. He immediately answered that he was an archer. But in our impression There is almost no memory of him, right?"

"It's true... I don't know anything about his behavior. I even forgot his rank. Could it be that he is actually an Assassin, and will his information be erased?"

"No, Archer's class must be real. And Bai Ye can be trusted. Archer can be used as a trump card."

Gao Wen couldn't help admiring that his master used usury to calculate so many things.

"Is it even in your calculation that they escaped? Because they can't pay back the money themselves, and you don't actually want them to pay back the money, do you?"

Leo shook his head decisively.

"Of course not, the money still has to be paid back."

Chapter 26 Is the wallet enough?

Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade!

When Shirou saw a hostile program, he hacked to death a hostile program, and when a pair came, he hacked a pair.All the hostile programs that could be seen in the field of vision were wiped out, Shirou and Hakuno also successfully harvested,


A drop in the bucket probably refers to the current situation.

"It's so sad to have no money." Shirou looked at the scattered sm in Hakuno's hand dejectedly.

Hakuno patted Shirou's head.

"Archer has worked very hard. I am incompetent as a master, and I am penniless. It is entirely up to you to send money."

"That's not the case. It's not normal for a master to have money, such as Leo's big son." Shirou bit the "big son's brother" and re-read.

"However, after playing so many hostile programs, there are still benefits. The level has returned to level [-]. It would be great if there were more monsters, and the level can be further recovered." Shirou scanned the surroundings, trying to find the hostility Traces of program refreshes.

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