Hostile programs are kind of dumb stuff.

In mooncell, AI is very powerful, not much different from humans.After mooncell has observed humans on the earth for many years, it can almost create programs that are almost equivalent to human consciousness. However, mooncell will not try to design all programs as AI.

AI consumes a lot of computing power, so if there is more, even if the mooncell has computing power comparable to that of the entire solar system, it will not be able to run normally at all.

After all, everything in the universe is delicate, and it is difficult to copy.

Therefore, in order to make up for the vacancy after the AI ​​filled the positions, Mooncell designed some hostile programs with extremely low computing power, which are completely mobs.

The mobs have less experience, but more in number.Shirou chopped melons and vegetables all the way, leveling crazily.

In the process, he found a pattern.The refresh time of these mobs is about an hour.

Now the time to spawn monsters is very close.

If he continues this round with such vigorous efforts, he may be able to improve to level 35.

If he can upgrade to 60, he will have the capital to fight He Gaowen.All this leveling is to avoid debts - who made him owe countless debts now?

Monsters are about to spawn.Shirou took out his two swords and prepared to do it.

"Hello!" The red-haired girl suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"World?" Shirou replied subconsciously.

The red-clothed girl was stunned for a moment, without turning her head at all.


"Well, hello, world."

Seeing the sudden appearance of Rin, who was stunned by such a simple greeting, Bai Ye couldn't help but wondered in a low voice: "Isn't Rin, Archer, a fake?"

"It should be fake." Shirou nodded in agreement.

As the first demonstration case of C language, Rin didn't even know it.Is this still a spiritual hacker?What about the self-cultivation of spiritual hackers?

Rin with sharp ears blushed when he heard the words, but quickly calmed down: "Hmph, you are really as active as I expected, mysweetworkingants!"

was ridiculed.

Being called worker ants by Rin is completely treating them as money-giving babies!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Shirou directly took out the victory wheel sword...

After thinking about it, it seems that everything can be tolerated, Shirou decided to calm down, and then listen carefully to what Rin is going to say.

"For Kinami-san, let me introduce you another new product! This time the enemy is even tougher & powerful! It's the size that can squeeze out Kishinami-san's wallet with just one!"

"Hmm. What kind of expression is that? Don't look at me like this, I'm working very hard too! Lancer, that guy likes luxury after all. He said he wanted a bigger bathhouse or something, and he didn't even think about how huge it would take. Funds. So, just give the money without hesitation. Please~”

Rin said very irresponsible words, and set up the hostile program again.

From the looks of it, it seems to be a level 50 hostile program.

It seems to be very weak.

Shirou has now returned to level 30, and it seems that he is not too afraid of this enemy.

Sensing the gap between the two sides, Shirou was not prepared to give money.

Although even if he is willing to give it, he may not be able to pay the sm.

"Huh? I seem to remember it. The information on the terminal shows that you have finally adjusted the hostility program to level 40 before you can barely beat it. What, do you think you can beat the level 50 hostility now? Is it programmed?"

Although this woman is said to be very smart and talented, she will always lose the chain, even if she is in another world line, she can't change it.

This is probably the attribute that Rin can never change.

Shirou, who has recovered to level 30, has regained some of the skills he had lost before, and the accuracy of projection and the level of Noble Phantasms have also improved a lot.

Pseudo Spiral Sword!

"Broken Phantasm!"

The pseudo-spiral sword rushed towards the hostile program like a meteor.The hostile program played GG without any resistance under such a blow.

"It's totally impossible to go back and forth." Bai Ye couldn't help showing a disappointed expression.

"Do you want to see me fight so much? But expecting the hostile program to fight me back and forth is too much. Have you ever seen a game or a novel where the protagonist and the mobs are in a stalemate?" Shirou Talking sarcastically, by the way, mocking the hostile program that Rin set up is a mob.

Rin's face was a little ugly, and he quickly summoned five or six hostile programs.

This time the level of these hostile programs has risen a notch.

"Archer, and Kishiba-san. Is it so difficult for the two of you to give some money?"

"That's right, it's that difficult." Shirou sneered, hiding behind the smile was a monstrous anger, "I have set up so much money, Rin Tohsaka, you wait for me. I will fuck you until the time comes... ..."

Hakuno poked Shirou on the back very rudely.

"Ahem, I will definitely make you spit out 150000sm!" Shirou quickly changed his words.

"150000sm?" Rin was stunned, and asked weakly, "Yes, are there so many? Difficult, did I set an extra zero?"

Soon, the wail came out of her mouth, but there seemed to be a lot of excitement in the wail.

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