"Did I actually set up so many numbers? Kishiba-san and Archer actually handed over obediently! Are you so rich? Then give me some!"

Rin's eyes were filled with a terrifying golden light.

That is, the desire for money!

Rin's operation speed began to increase.

The mobs no longer come out one by one, but five by five!Before long, the neighborhood is filled with hostile programs!

This also means that there are a hundred krypton gold monsters here that all want to insert coins!

"Kishinami-san, do you still have enough reserves in your wallet?"

Chapter 27 Gao Wen Can't Keep Up With Me

Is the wallet stocked enough?

The answer is obvious.

Shirou didn't even touch his wallet—because it was on Hakuno, he replied:

"Wallet reserves don't exist. Is your hostile program enough?" Shirou showed a greedy smile.This is a hundred hostile programs.One hundred hostile programs, if you can't buy them, you will lose money, if you buy them, you can't be fooled, but if you buy them, you can buy level 20 experience!

When he returns to level 60, he will have a death thorn gun in his left hand and a golden sword in his right hand, and see who is afraid of whom.

"As many hostile programs as you want. Archer, do you think you can clear all the hostile programs here at once?" Rin was so confident that he even summoned dozens of hostile programs.

"As a special offer, you can reduce the level to level 2000 with only 40sm."

Shirou almost laughed out loud, but Rin had a good idea.

Each 2000sm, one hundred is 200000sm.But while this dream is good, it doesn't take into account that Shirou has recovered a lot of strength and his particularity.

The improvement of the level will increase the muscle strength, endurance, agility, magic power, and all of them.

Noble Phantasms are indeed important in the reckless fight between servants, but in many cases there is no chance to release them, and the outcome can be determined only by relying on skills and qualities.However, the battle between the servant and the hostile program is not necessarily the case, and a powerful Noble Phantasm that can clear the entire field is required.

This is the same as pvp and pve.

This is why Rin is so confident that he will win, and the key to winning through the enemy's procedural sea tactics.

Anti-army and anti-city treasures are rare.She didn't believe that Shirou could take out this kind of thing. If he took it out, could he still liberate his real name?

Shirou's limited treasure, Unlimited Sword System, may have to be released after Shirou returns to level 50, but——

He couldn't help but took out a victory wheel sword in his hand.

"Victory, the Sword of Reincarnation? Isn't that Gao Wen's treasure?" Rin opened his mouth wide, counting thousands of times, and even missed that his opponent was a trickster.He took out a bagrum in his front hand, and he could take out the spear that pierced the dead thorns in his back hand, and now he can also take out the revolving sword.

"His Noble Phantasm is my Noble Phantasm. And it can be used very smoothly." Shirou smiled slightly, and the Sun Sword in his hand shone brightly.

"Excalibur Gallatin!"

This is the power to sweep away thousands of troops, the A+ rank anti-army treasure, the dazzling light rendered immediately floods the entire second floor of Leo's Domain!

This is not only Shirou's sanction against the countless hostile programs summoned by Rin, but also the battle of socialism against capitalism!

This is, the glory of the party! (fog)

The light that swept away thousands of troops disappeared, Shirou put away his sword and smiled.

Victory is already his.

He's back to level 50 with the help of so many hostile programs.

Although there is still a certain distance from the full level of 90, but the current strength is enough to crush the lancer contracted by Rin and the strength she is showing now.

"Why, how could it be?" Rin stared dumbfounded at the eliminated hostile programs around him, heartbroken.All the money is gone!

"The great revolutionary Lenin once said that capitalists can sell the rope to hang themselves for profit. Speaking of which, if it weren't for the 70-level hostile program you set up at the beginning, I wouldn't be able to reach this point. Plus Thank you for your gift this time." Shirou clenched his fists, and his whole body became much lighter.

Power flows through my body!

The feeling of regaining strength is really great.It is more comfortable to brush the level like this than to open the plug-in upgrade.This is the official hang.

"Tch, is it like this? Damn it." Rin gritted his teeth, looked at Shirou, and hurriedly ran behind.

Shirou, who hadn't guessed that Rin would turn around and run, waited for two seconds helplessly.And in these two seconds, Rin actually ran faster than the reporter, I don't know how many Wallaces.

Wearing a red suit, running fast, liking the Western capitalism... all that's left is a belt and glasses.

Pushing the glasses that Hakuno forced to wear on his face, Shirou realized that the eyes had black frames.

It seems that it is not bad.

"Master, let's go, give Rin a good beating." Shirou was gearing up, confident.The next obstacle is basically gone. With his current level, he can reach the end of this maze by going directly to A.

"Wait, wait for me." Bai Ye was a little out of breath, and he waited for a while before he recovered.

Shirou hurriedly picked her up, gritted his teeth, and rushed back to the health room even if he was forced to pay: "Master, wait for me, I will take you to the health room now."

"No, it's okay, Archer. I just don't have enough magic power." Although Bai Ye said so, he didn't refuse Shirou to hug her like this, "Just take a rest for a while."

"That's it." Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, and prepared to find a place for Hakuno to sleep for a while.

But this is inside the domain, they can't go back to the health room yet, as long as they go back, they will be charged for debts.

It's really annoying.

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