Suddenly, a frightening voice sounded from behind, and the message in the words made Shirou panic even more.

"Hello, archer, and lady Bai Ye. Although it's very warm for you to enjoy your honeymoon like this, can you pay back the money first?"

Gao Wen, the knight of the round table, flashed his sword, and suddenly appeared from behind Shirou with a sound like a bell.

"I've already said, I have no money." Shirou sighed, "Your attitude makes me very embarrassed. You basically don't work or work hard now, and you don't even want to borrow money for a while."

Gao Wen couldn't help but blushed slightly, but he still said, "My lord's orders must be obeyed. Archer, I won't let you run away this time!"

Shirou scoffed.

Just fight Gao Wen now.With Bai Ye now without magic power, he could only defend passively, and then he was arrested.

As a partner of justice, in order to achieve justice must have a variety of means and channels.Escaping is also one of the basic operations.

The advantage of increasing the level is that when escaping, there is no need to move forward.

Shirou raised his shield and ran away. Even though Gao Wen tried his best to widen his eyes, he couldn't see anything, as if the interstellar world had Han Zong's level.

"Did they run away again?" Gawain felt helpless, "Leo, they ran away."

"Well, I see. I'll talk about it later, and I'll deal with Shinji's matter first."

Shirou, who had already rushed forward for several hundred meters, rested peacefully holding his shield.

"Archer, is it really good to stop like this?"

Shirou comforted: "It's okay, Gawain can't catch up with me."

After thinking about it, he added another sentence: "At worst, I will project the Gun of Deaththorn, and then I will project it to load."

Chapter 28 The second floor, break through!

If he couldn't go home, there was only one result - that is to bite the bullet and rush forward, directly laying Rin down, so that he would have the capital to go back and fight Gao Wen.

There is no need to repay the debt!

Going forward along the road, Bai Ye's magic power gradually recovered, and Shirou also cleaned up all the monsters in the road.

The level set by Rin is meaningless, and even becomes an experience baby in the hands of Shirou who has become stronger.

The obstacles to the finish line have been completely removed.

Soon, Shirou and Bai Ye reached the end of the negative second floor of Leo's domain, and a huge wall blocked them in front of them, which was an absolute protection.

According to Sakura and Seshouin Kiara, it is the wall of Rin's heart.

An absolute defense that cannot be breached unless Rin's secret is found.

However, Shirou was always puzzled.Rin is just a master, why does he have such high authority to set up this kind of wall.It doesn't make sense at all, unless...

The girl in red suddenly appeared and brushed her hair. Although she was not too tall, her eyes seemed to be staring down at Shirou and Bai Ye.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Did Kishinami-san break in here so quickly? You didn't even give me much money. However, your exploration can only stop here. You won't be allowed to move forward. Well, as long as this door is open Now, you won’t be able to move forward.”

Hakuno understands that Rin's words are not wrong, this is the key to the strategy.She shifted her gaze to Shirou, and Shirou immediately understood.

"Leave it to me, master. Tohsaka Rin. Is this fundraising commotion necessary to maintain Lancer?"

Rin was very surprised. She didn't understand what Shirou meant. She frowned and said, "Eh? Why Lancer? It doesn't have anything to do with that girl? I just like money? Isn't it true that the more money you get, the more money you get?" Okay? Lancer only lives extravagantly because of that kind of relationship, but I don't. I have no intention of being extravagant."

As he spoke, Rin's eyebrows danced brightly, as if he was happy that he had spoken out his inner thoughts.

The expressions are all shining.

"Really? That is to say, Rin Tohsaka doesn't like extravagance, but simply loves money itself?" Bai Ye took a breath, and there are people in this world who really like money, not because money can buy things ?

Rin seemed to have found a confidant, and became even more elated.

"Yes, that's it! I also feel a little bit like that, but whenever I see a mountain of money, my heart will jump! Although I haven't told anyone so far. No, because it's too shameful, I definitely won't What did you say? You see, I’m still engaged in the resistance movement, but half of the reason is for money. The uncles in the Middle East give money very readily, and the gems of high quality are also——— !Wait, what is this pain!?"

Rin's nonsense finally exposed everything about herself.

Shirou and Hakuno's strategy battle, in the final analysis, is to explore Rin's secret.And Rin's words were too much, even just a little seductive, she told all the secrets like pouring water.

The characteristic of falling off the chain finally appeared again at this time.

Shirou looked at Rin with some pity.

The villains really died of talking too much.

Hakuno's hand glowed brightly, like electricity passing through a light bulb.She finally found the gap in Rin's heart, that is——

"Slave to money!"


Rin, who had no boss aura at all, was instantly fucked up again.

After Hakuno caught Rin's secret, he retreated without hesitation.

"Liar! Break the protection program again? Now that this is the case, the game time is over. Kill you on the spot, and then throw you into the torture room. Come on, Lancer! Let's do it seriously this time!" Rin shouted Dao, calling for his followers.

However, Lancer, who was on the phone, immediately rejected: "No! I refuse immediately or something. Didn't you say that you are off when you take a bath? Skin care is a compulsory subject for idols. Didn't I tell you that I used it once? I won’t use the blood a second time? Hurry up and get me some new livestock.”

The situation suddenly became a little awkward.

The servant rejected the master's call.

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