Bai Ye couldn't help asking sympathetically, "Rin, is your relationship with Lancer like this?"

"Uh, um." Rin nodded with a subtle expression.

"You guys, who is the master and who is the servant?"

"Damn, of course I'm the master!" Rin blushed and argued loudly, "It's just because I'm the master, and I care more about the followers, so don't get it wrong! ... I'll let you go this time Kazuma. As the Queen of the Moon, don't think that you can always get the kindness that you occasionally give. If you come to attack again, you will die!"

"Queen of the Moon?" Shirou listened to the conversation between Lancer and her, and became more and more sure of one thing.

She is not the queen of the moon as she said, but a tool used as a gun.

Where is the queen who will be reprimanded by her subordinates without any countermeasures?This is a false queen, a queen whose power is emptied.The real queen is afraid that there is someone behind her.

"Yes, yes. Is there any problem? Want to challenge me to become the new Queen of the Moon?" Rin asked dissatisfied.

"No, no, no, I'm not interested in becoming a queen. I'm very interested in becoming the moon king. Rin Tosaka, I want to ask you, are you really the queen of the moon? Or is there someone else behind you?"

"Anyone else?" Rin subconsciously wanted to refute, but found that she couldn't speak, "Queen of the Moon, another, no, no. I am the Queen of the Moon! There is no one else."

"Oh. I hope so." Shirou shook his head pityingly, "But I think you'd better make sure."

"Hmm, I will. But, from your tone, it seems like we know each other?" Rin asked.

"Of course. Although I can't remember how many times I won the battle, I have been helped by your advice several times." Bai Ye looked at Rin, expecting her to change back to the original, remembering the previous things .

However, Rin shook his head:

"You said that you can't remember how many times you fought? Forget it. In short, I am indeed Tohsaka Rin. This kind of character is also something deep in me. So, Kishiba-san. If it is because I used to be If a friend takes this lightly, he will really die."

Leaving cold words behind, Rin's avatar shattered and disappeared.With her gone, the shield has been broken.

Break through the second layer of Leo Domain!

Chapter 29 I still have the sword of vowed victory!

Shen Er raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction outside the meeting room, and looked at Leo who came out of the meeting, his eyes were very unkind.

He has been "waiting for a long time" here, just to have a good theory with Leo.

"Shen Er, what's the matter with you looking for me in such a big way? I remember you just sneaking around outside the meeting room, right?" Leo smiled, and the sarcasm in his words was obvious up.

Shinji is the master who lost his servant, and he comes to the meeting room every day, hoping that one day his rider will come back.

"You..." Shen Er blushed, his voice was distorted.

But he quickly calmed down and questioned Leo: "Leo, Bai Ye and Archer are all allies now, right? For the 150000sm, which is insignificant to you, you want to kill all your allies?"

Leo didn't answer, squinted his eyes, and looked at Shen Er, as if he was thinking about how to answer his question, but then he laughed.

He found something interesting.

"Hey, Shinji, it seems that you care about Hakuno very much."

"What, why do you care about her? I don't care about her!" Shinji denied, "I just care about myself! Your own servant is hiding for some purpose, using Bai Ye and Archer as a weapon to go Raid the labyrinth leading to the surface of the moon, and now hunt them down for some money. If this is the case, what will the other members of the student council think? How can we go out and return to Earth?"

Leo looked at Shinji with interest.

"I can't tell, Shinji, you are so concerned about the affairs of the student union."

"I only care about whether I can go out, and I don't think about Bai Ye and Archer's idiots!" Shen Er turned his head.

"Huh? Is that so?" Leo was thoughtful, as if he had thought of something.

"So, what do you want to do, make Bai Ye not pay back the money?"

"Isn't that okay? They borrowed money to clear the maze so that everyone can go out together. Compared with you secretly watching the loan sharks from behind, you have to pay back the money immediately, are you embarrassed?"

"Then how about this, if they can attack the third floor, how about writing off the account?" Leo suggested.

When Shen Er heard the generous conditions, he almost agreed.

But before he could speak, he stopped.


The undoubted goal of conquering the third floor is actually a condition?

"Why? Are you unwilling to accept this?" Leo smiled provocatively.

"Do you have any conspiracy? Western European plutocrats like to attach tons of clauses to transactions."

"Well, there is." Leo was not embarrassed at all when he was said so.

After all, additional terms are part of the chaebol, so don't play if you are unhappy.The plutocrats have the upper hand, so they don't add more terms to the law—do you really think they are partners of justice?

"Tell me, where are they?"

"Huh? You don't even know where they are. How did you collect the debt? Are you going to use exhaustion to find them?"

"You don't need to worry about this." Leo's eyes drifted away, "My conditions are as simple as that."

Shen Er couldn't help looking at him suspiciously: "Since it's so simple, do you dare to sign the treaty? After signing the contract, you are not allowed to attack Bai Ye and Archer."

"no problem."

Leo snapped his fingers.

The contract was signed very quickly, and since it is in the mooncell, such a contract cannot be violated.Unless there is the highest authority to cancel the treaty.

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