"Your request, I have satisfied. So, where do you think they will be?"

Shen Er said confidently: "According to their personalities, they should go straight to the end of the second floor."

"Is that so? Gao Wen, did you hear the conversation just now? Go to the end of the second floor."

"Yes!" Gao Wen replied, and then quickly rushed to the end of the second floor.

"Then since the contract is established, I will leave first." Shen Er heaved a sigh of relief.

"Wait, Shen Er." Leo stopped him, and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, Shen Er really knows about Bai Ye and Archer."


"The second floor has finally been breached." Bai Ye collected the sm in the surrounding treasure chests.

This time it can be regarded as a bumper harvest.

There is a full 40000sm.

If there is another 100000sm, they won't have to live this hard life of hiding - provided there is no interest rate.

But money ispower, money can make people very happy.

Shirou didn't bother her.After all, during this period of time, they were all being chased and intercepted, and Rin was still blocking them in front.It is also a good thing to finally clear an enemy.

It turns out, however, that they continue to run into danger with any slack.

"Ah, I finally found you. It's really not easy. Without Shen Er's help, I wouldn't have been able to find you." The Sun Knight stopped and subconsciously raised his sword.

Could it be that the meaning of these words is——Shen Er has become a 25-year-old boy?

Shirou stood in front of Bai Ye, looking at Gao Wen very vigilantly.

"Have you come to collect debts again? You are really chasing after him."

"Uh..." Gao Wen couldn't help rubbing his nose in embarrassment, "Actually, I didn't come to collect debts from you. I came here to inform you by the order of my lord. The debts can be cancelled, but the premise is that you have to solve the problem. the third floor."

so good?You only need to conquer the third floor, and you can get rid of a debt of [-] sm!

"Leo canceled our debt?" Bai Ye looked at Gao Wen in surprise, "Can you believe what this superficial ally says?"

This instantly woke up Shirou again.He will never believe in an evil capitalist like Leo again.

The ten-day interest rate can be 20%, which is simply a black-hearted businessman.

"You can't believe it, but you have to believe it. You still owe Leo [-]." Gao Wen realized that his words seemed to be very hostile, and quickly prepared to put away his sword of the sun.

But in Shirou's eyes, this action looked like he was about to use a sword to overwhelm someone, so he immediately took out the sword of victory rotation.


Gao Wen, who was only here to bring people back, was startled when he saw the sword.This Sun Sacred Sword actually appeared in his hand?Isn't this the only sword given to him by the lake elf?

"Why do you have this sword?"

"I don't only have yours. I also have the sword of the sworn victory."

Chapter 30 Shen Er: Are you dating another woman?

After Gawain explained his reason for coming again, and even put away his sword, Shirou also put away his sword.

As long as it's not for debt collection, it's fine.

With no debts, the pressure that Shirou and Hakuno had endured all the way was relieved immediately.

After Leo heard that they had captured the second floor, he immediately asked them to return to the school building.Shirou was about to leave, but Hakuno seemed to want Shirou to carry her back anyway, so Shirou had no choice but to do so.

Along the way, Shirou picked up Hakuno on his back, satisfying her request for so long.

"Gao Wen, why is Leo suddenly willing to cancel our debt? This sounds very unreasonable."

The unscrupulous capitalist has become a good man, which is harder than quitting drugs.

Capital is the poison of capitalists. Once you take a bite, you will never stop.Since then, the capitalist has become a subsidiary of capital and has been materialized as the spokesperson of capital.

"Well, after Shinji rushed into the student council room and made a big noise, Leo reluctantly agreed to this condition."


Shirou said in surprise.

By this time, they had gone a long way.Although the Servant has a great advantage in physical strength, it is troublesome to carry Hakuno on his back like this, so Shirou put her down.Unexpectedly, Bai Ye was very clingy today, so Shirou had no choice but to hug her for the princess.

"Rush in and make a fuss?" Hakuno, who was being hugged by Shirou, asked suspiciously, "Shenji did such a thing for us?"

"He doesn't think so. He thinks that he is helping you for the sake of profit, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get out?" Gao Wen said very straightforwardly, seeming to agree with Shen Er's statement.

Seeing Gao Wen like this, Shirou understood that Gao Wen really thought that Shinji rushed into the student council room for himself.

That guy Shen Er, even in the parallel world, is really arrogant.

"It's just the normal situation of that guy Shinji, but he can find strange reasons for serving others." Shirou commented on his bad friend, "You can just treat him as Tsundere. Tsundere, that's how it is .”

"Ao, Jiao?" As a person more than a thousand years ago, even though he had obtained some knowledge from the Holy Grail, it was still difficult for Gao Wen to understand this strange form.If you have something to say, just say it directly, why hide it in your heart?

"Well. This is a common attribute of girls. In games or anime, it can be regarded as cuteness. Oh, you may not have heard of this. Cuteness is a cute attribute of girls."

Gao Wen was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Could it be that you are saying that Shen Er is a girl?"

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